SCRIPT WRITING CERTIFICATE COURSE at Sir Vithaldas Thackersay (SVT) College of Home Science, Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersay (SNDT) Women’s University, Juhu Tara Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai-400049
Media is a growing , changing landscape It is hard to keep up with the latest technologies and the content creation challenges they present
The success of a media presentation/ message/ narrative, be it through new media or traditional media depends on the strength of its script. Everybody needs a set of skills to deal with our culture today, to function in the current media environment- with the internet, cell phones, be able to know how to interact with information.
Learning to write a script opens the door to a process that many students have never been exposed to. Explaining the script writing process in another way of engaging them with media. (something they are most comfortable with) It further helps them to develop creative skills in making their own media messages, as active citizens .
Script Writing What is script writing? Scriptwriting is taking an idea and making it into a story The story will be made in action and dialogue It will have an audio and a corresponding video to it. How do you build your idea? You research on the idea
Script Writing Involves Primary research – interviews with resource person/s, observation of site, event. Secondary research – read text,news,article,video,web Take photographs, audio and or video recordings
Script Writing Today… Is writing in a digital age is where every person is a movie maker Learning to write a script opens the door to a process that many students have never been exposed to Explaining the scriptwriting process is another way of engaging them with media,(something they are most comfortable with
Media It is illogical to treat media narratives as though they are completely unrelated to literacy-be it school/college/other TV shows/films/videos /documentaries are usually written. They are built on scripts that include characterization, plot, dailogue and humor-the very elements we include in a story we write
The ‘script writing certificate course’ is being conducted at the Department of Mass Communication and Extension, Sir Vithaldas Thackersay College (SVT) Juhu, of Shreemati Nathibai Thackersay Women’s (SNDT) University . The course enables students to write scripts for different genres (categories) of programs - educational , informational, short fiction, drama, documentary and new media (WhatsApp, YouTube, other social networking sites) .
On completion of the ‘script writing certificate course’, job opportunities range from being researcher, script writer for own program / presentations/productions on the Web / video / with media channels; for various kinds of programs with media institutions, organizations like The Educational Multimedia Research Centres, Gyan Darshan on National television, Doordarshan, Zee Television, IBN Lokmat News , other channels and production houses.
Conducted by nationally and internationally reputed faculty. Dr. Anjali Monteiro Dr. K.P. Jayasankar: Documentary Film Maker, Educators, Researchers Jeroo Mulla : Ex HOD Social Communication Media Department of Sophia College (Now B.K. Somani) Anjoo Daswani : Producer for Doordarshan, Lecturer at SCM, Xaviers for Fiction Television. Anita Sareen Parihar : Scripwriter, Director, Educator, Researcher for Television and New Media
Eligibility : (for Girls Only) Graduate from any stream She should be articulate and fluent in writing and reading in English. Percentage required – 55% from a recognized university or its equivalent Selection Criteria Entrance test, followed by group discussion .
Course Fee : Rs. 25,000/- Last date of submission of admission form: 15th July 2019 Please download the admission form, from the SVT College Website : under the heading self-financed courses Forms can be submitted in SVT College Office from 10 am to 5 pm
Contact Mob.: 9322823086