JHL’s views on the private social services sector Czech delegation visit in JHL 27 Feb, 2015
JHL members in private social services Membership 7,500 Professional titles: Nursing assistant Day care centre assistant Kitchen assistant Maintenance/ cleaning assistant Home care assistant Personal assistant Special needs assistant Practical nurse Day care nurse Children’s nurse Mental health nurse Rehabilitation assistant Home aid assistant Nurse for the disabled Camp instructor Activity instructor Leisure instructor Social instructor Bachelor of Social Services Occupational therapist Physiotherapist [Minna Pirttijärvi] 11.8.2019
JHL’s views on the sector Employers seek growth in private social services The sector is dependent on the economic development and political decision making in municipalities The trend is to pursue cheap labour force to achieve competitive advantages and advocate legislative amendments to enable hiring less trained staff to lower personnel costs [Minna Pirttijärvi] 11.8.2019
JHL’s views on the sector Small employers The level of organisation of employers and employees is lower than in the public sector Poses a challenge to the shop steward system Massive international corporations are driving small companies out of the industry Where do employer taxes go? Education requirements for employees are higher in public sector tendering than inside public organisations How do employers and employees succeed in answering the demand of a higher education level? [Minna Pirttijärvi] 11.8.2019
JHL’s goals To increase the amount of employees and employers organised in trade unions To develop the shop steward system To equalise local bargaining To maintain competitive pays To improve rights to education and monitor the implementation Shop stewards Occupational health and safety representatives Occupational training for members Highlighting the process perspective of services [Minna Pirttijärvi] 11.8.2019