pneumothora x
PNEUMOTHORAX - A pneumothorax (noo-moe-THOR-aks) is a collapse lung. It occurs when air leaks into the space between your lung and chest wall. This air pushes on the outside of your lung and make it collapse.
TYPES OF PNEUMOTHORAX SIMPLE PNEUMOTHORAX * Is a collection of air within the pleural space between the lung (visceral pleura) and the chest wall ( parietal pleura) that can lead to partial or complete pulmonary collapse. It may be associated with diffused interstitial lung disease and severe emphysema.,
TRAUMATIC PNEUMOTHORAX * Traumatic pneumothorax is in the pleural space resulting from trauma and causing partial or complete lung collapse. Symptoms include chest pain from the causative injury and sometimes dyspnea. * A traumatic pneumothorax resulting from major injury in chest is often accompanied by hemothorax (blood in the pleural space). Often both blood and air found in the chest cavity (Hemopneumothorax)) after major trauma. * Open pneumothorax is one form of traumatic pneumothorax. It occurs when a wound in the chest wall is large enough to allow air pass freely in and out of the thoracic cavity with each attempted respiration.
TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX * A tension pneumothorax occurs when air is drawn into the pleural space. * Chest wall is intact. * Air enters the pleural space from the lung or airway, and it has no way to leave. * Most dangerous when patient is receiving positive pressure ventilation which air is forced into the chest under pressure.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS *Signs and symptoms associated with pneumothorax depends on its size and cause. *Pain is usually sudden and may be pleuritic. *The patient may have only minimal respiratory distress with slight chest discomfort and tachypnea. *If pneumothorax is large and the lungs collapses totally, acute respiratory ditress occurs. *Patient is anxious, has dyspnea and air hunger and severe hypoxemia.
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT *Pneumothorax depends on its cause and severity. *Goal of treatment is to evacuate the air or blood from the pleural space. *A small chest tube is inserted near the second intercostal space; used to minimize the danger of contacting the thoracic nerve. *Patient has a hemothorax. *