Professional Development Refining Our Vision for Effective Teaching: Closing the Implementation Gap with Ongoing, Job-Embedded Learning
Achieving Horry County Schools’ Vision School Data Teams Curriculum Mapping Classroom Walkthroughs Professional Development
Objectives Participants will explore: National Staff Development Council’s Standards for Staff Development If Not a Workshop, Then What? HCS School Professional Development Plan Professional Development Self Assessment
What is Professional Development? Jot down what professional development means to you. Share your idea with your table group.
What is Professional Development? (cont’d.) “Professional Development is the development and exchange of professional ideas, values, beliefs, practices, and strategies designed to improve student achievement.” -Joellen Killion, Deputy Executive Director National Staff Development Council
National Staff Development Council has asked: What are all students expected to know and be able to do? What must teachers know and do in order to ensure student success? Where must staff development focus to meet both goals?
This focus has provided a set of Twelve, Research-Based Standards for Professional Development.
Learning Communities Leadership Resources CONTEXT STANDARDS: How is the organization structured to support adult learning? Learning Communities Leadership Resources
Equity Quality Teaching Family Involvement CONTENT STANDARDS: What knowledge and skills must educators learn to produce higher levels of learning for all students? Equity Quality Teaching Family Involvement
Data-Driven Evaluation Research-Based PROCESS STANDARDS How is learning structured to support adult acquisition of new knowledge and skills? Data-Driven Evaluation Research-Based
Design Learning Collaboration PROCESS STANDARDS (cont’d.) How is learning structured to support adult acquisition of new knowledge and skills? Design Learning Collaboration
Exploring the NSDC Standards Focus on one of the three categories of NSDC Standards Develop a group definition Create a graphic organizer to represent your category and the standards that relate
Exploring the Standards, the Next Step All groups will be asked to share their graphic organizers as they relate to their category of Staff Development Standards.
If Not a Workshop, Then What?
School Professional Development Plans Moving Data into Action
Due to Janet Todd by September 7 School PD Plan Due to Janet Todd by September 7
Where Does My School Stand When it Comes to Professional Development? Self-Assessment of Your School’s Professional Development
Schools, I believe, possess latent and often unrecognized potential for improved performance. Professional learning designed to release this potential would recognize and tap the talents and strengths that already reside in the school community rather than produce dependence on outside expertise, an unintended but not uncommon byproduct of traditional forms of staff development. Such professional learning would also develop and refine, through intellectually rigorous, team-based activities, the otherwise unarticulated forms of “craft knowledge,” wisdom, and professional judgment that are essential to successful teaching and school leadership. -Dennis Sparks NSDC Executive Director