D3 D1 2019 D2B D2A Domain 3 Domain 2B Domain 2A Final Score Domain 1 The accountability system will be the same as 2018 2019 How did each student group do in four components? Academic Achievement - Meets performance in reading and math Academic Growth - reading and math English Language Proficiency – TELPAS Student Success - Average of Approaches, Meets, and Masters (All subjects) Domain 3 D3 Comparing your Domain 1 score with other campuses with the same percentage of Economic Disadvantage. Domain 2B D2B Percent of students scoring at least as high as they did last year in Reading and Math (All Grades) Domain 2A D2A 70% Best of Domain 1, Domain 2A, and Domain 2B 30% The 4 components of Domain 3 Final Score Review the accountability system for elementary principals D1 The average of Approaches, Meets, and Masters (All Subjects and Grades) Domain 1
Year 2 Special Ed. & Former Special Ed. Economically Disadvantaged Continuous Enrolled & Non-Cont Enrolled Up to 14 student groups count for Domain 3 Must have 25 tests Domain 3 Special Ed. & Former Special Ed. Economically Disadvantaged African American, Hispanic, White, American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, Two or More Ethnicity/Race Current and Monitor through year 4 English Learners STAAR and STAAR Alt 2 English and Spanish Testers All Students Year 2
30% 33.3% 10% 55.6% 50% 10% 11.1% Academic Achievement EL Proficiency Status of Four Components Up to 14 student groups Must have at least 25 tests Domain 3 Meets grade level for reading and math. Academic Achievement 10% Based on TELPAS performance scoring at Advanced High or higher than last time. EL Proficiency 55.6% 50% Academic Growth Reading and Math . 10% 11.1% Average of Approaches Meets and Masters (All subjects) Student Success TELPAS data is not available – so we will need to adjust the percents of each remaining component.
You will be provided with your 2018 Spring benchmark with 2018 STAAR accountability results and 2019 Spring benchmark
Lets drill into the provided data.
Explain how to read the provided data
Compare the 2018 benchmark data to the 2019 benchmark data
Details of the number of eligible groups and the number of those groups that met the target (for 2018 benchmark, STAAR, and 2019 benchmark)
2019 RAW SCORE TARGETS ARE PROVIDED PROGRESS/GROWTH MEETS AVERAGE TEA says we will use the same targets for four more years 2019 RAW SCORE TARGETS ARE PROVIDED F D C B A HIGH LOW Think about how many more students would it take to get to the next Threshold GREEN RANGE PROGRESS/GROWTH MEETS AVERAGE
Additional pages also provided that drills into each domain and each student group. REMEMBER the Spring 2019 data is missing the Science and Social Studies benchmark data from this week!
In those additional pages you will see not only the score of each student group – but also the targets for each group for each component of domain 3 and the number of students/points.
We will resend the Current Spring 2019 data along with this historical chart next week. Along with these lists you will also receive your teacher data with accountability summary on the back and the STAAR & BENCHMARK Historical Comparison with the difference from the mean
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