Developing Strong and Effective College Student Associations Will Stringer, Development Consultant
NUS Scotland An autonomous part of the National Union of Students UK. A membership organisation, representing students’ associations in colleges and universities. Currently funded with sparqs to deliver the College SA Development Project by the SFC until 2021.
Project Activity Tailored support for college and college SAs Deliver officer, strategic and operational planning support & training National training events for SA and College staff Digital resources Conduct self-evaluations Board member training for officers and other board members Review governance and constitutions Election support / RO
Getting to know the framework
Drivers of the framework The Griggs review recommended “Student Associations should be strengthened and become appropriately funded, autonomous and sustainable.” Post-16 Education act legislated new roles for College Students’ Associations/Representatives including there being two student members on incorporated college boards.
Development of the Framework Working group established to create best practice guidance on creating strong SAs The Scottish Government, Scottish Funding Council, and NUS Scotland led on the development of the Framework with the support of sparqs Four Strategic Dialogue Events were held in May 2014 with over 150 delegates from the sector Feedback on the final draft was sought from 70 stakeholders at Validation Events in January 2015.
Shaping life and work of the college This theme is about; how well your SA is able to influence change in the college; your SA's relationships with staff and how well they represent the student voice. Activities include: Class Rep Systems Participation on College committees Student Partnership Agreement
Governance and Democracy This theme is about; how well your SA represents the interests of your students; your ability to make autonomous decisions and the structures for the SA to be held to account. Activities Include: Well utilised constitution Strong Student Council Structures Established advisory Groups
Aware and Active Students This theme is about; how visible your SA is; how well your members understand what you do and how easy it is for them to play an active role in this work. Activities include: Regular student events/clubs/societies Engagement in elections Dedicated communications strategy
Sustainable Resources This theme is about; whether the level of SA resource is suitable to carry out its purpose and if officers and staff have access to the skills and training they need to deliver their roles. Activities include: Robust financial procedures Staff and officer training and PDPs Handover procedures
Impact and Value This theme is about; whether your SAs priorities are based on your students needs and how well the SA is able to demonstrate the positive change they make. Activities include: Operational/Strategic plans “You Said, We Did” processes End of Year Reports
Activity: what does success look like?
What has been achieved so far? Developed skilled officers; 95% of all Colleges represented at our annual lead and change event and attendance and engagement with national policy substantively increased 9 SAs completed strategic planning process, making more sustainable SAs Increased the number of dedicated SA staff in Colleges, developing impactful SAs Majority of SAs have completed self evaluation, focusing development
Student Associations, Development and Colleges
Students’ Associations and power Citizen power Citizen control Citizens fully in charge of planning, policy and management Delegated power Citizens in dominant or veto-wielding positions over certain matters A Ladder of Citizen Participation by Sherry R Arnstein (1969) Partnership Shared planning through jointly-owned structures Tokenism Placation Inviting some citizens to participate in structures, but often limited in number and advisory in role Consultation Asking for views, but decisions are still made by those in authority Informing A one-way flow of communication about what is happening or has been decided Therapy Citizens are educated to cure them of their incorrect views Citizens are engineered to support or rubber-stamp existing decisions Manipulation
Activity Activity (5 minutes) From your knowledge, where is your student association on the ladder of citizen participation? What activities would you need to put in place to develop it?
Future of Project
Future of project Working with Colleges, SAs and SFC to develop sustainable SAs Continue to digitise resources for use beyond 2021 Build networks for SA staff
Will Stringer; Contact Will Stringer;