French Revolution Timeline Review French Revolution Timeline
French Revolution Time-Line 1. Estates General 2. National Assembly 3. National Constituent Assembly 4. Legislative Assembly 5. Convention 6. Directory 7. Consulate 8. Napoleon & Empire
Estates General in 1789 a) had not met in over 170 years b) order vs. head c) Tennis Court Oath d) declare themselves the National Assembly 2. National Assembly (1789) a) lasted 1 month b) renames itself the National Constituent Assembly National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791) a) Adopts Fr. Constitution of 1791 (Const. Monarchy) b) Storming of Bastille c) Published Dec. of Rights of Man & Citizen d) 1791 Constitution required king had to share power with Legislative Assembly
b) elections to this body = desire to carry Revolution further Legislative Assembly a) lasted one year b) elections to this body = desire to carry Revolution further c) Led by Jacobins d) Declared war on Austria e) Assembly pitted Constitutional Monarchists (right) against Girondists (left) f) Led to Constitutional crisis
Convention (1792-1795) a) a “rump” session of Leg. Assembly suspends monarchy (Aug 1792) b) Establishes “Committee on Public Safety” (controlled by Robespierre) c) Paris commune calls on Leg. Assem to write a new constitution d) Convention is formed Sept 20 ,1792 & becomes de facto gov of France e) Next day, Sept 21, Convention abolishes monarchy and declares France a Republic, which marks “Year One” of the new republic f) King Louis XVI is executed g) Robespierre executed in 1794
Directory (1795-1799) a) bi-cameral legislature b) Executive power went to 5 Directors c) Ends on November 9,1799 when Napoleon overthrows it and establishes a consulate Consulate (1799-1804) a) Power divided b/t 3 Consuls b) Napoleon joins w/ Abbe Sieyes and overthrow directory c) But, it’s Napoleon and NOT Sieyes who becomes “First Consul” d) Consulate lasts until 1804 – when Napoleon becomes Emperor of France.
Empire a) Senate passes bill in May 1804 declaring Napoleon Emperor of France because - conspiracies against Napoleon drew fear of the Republic collapsing when Napoleon died - Fears included a Bourbon returning to the throne, the Jacobins returning with their guillotine, and fear of a military dictatorship
Three Main Topics Napoleon’s Rise to Power Napoleon’s conquest of most of Europe and the Continental System Nap’s final defeat & Congress of Vienna Settlement
I. Napoleon’s Rise to Power Directory depended on Napoleon to * Royalists rose up against newly formed Directory * Napoleon called in and repels attackers * Earns him instant fame & patronage of Directory * This victory wins him a command in Italy 2. Sept 1797 - a) Const. monarchists win most seats in the Council of 500 (lower body of the bi-cameral legislature) b) Nap responds by sending one of his subordinates to Paris to overthrow the const. monarchists c) coup is successful d) anti-monarchist Directory puts supporters into legislative seats.
II. Napoleon’s Military Victories Conquers Spain, Italy & Netherlands Faces opposition from a series of alliances b/t Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Britain, etc. Treaty of Basel (March 1795) a) b) c)
4. Treary of Camp Formio (1797) b) c) Nap returns to Paris d) Britain & Egypt 5. Second Coalition formed (BOAR)
III. Nap Returns to France Why? Abbe Sieyes
Keep in mind, Nap’s battles have fascinated generations of historians, but the APEuro test writers are not concerned with you developing into military historians