Appendix C: Power Point of Student Instructions MCESA Content Specific Assessments: Taking On-Line Assessments Instructions for Students
Access the Website Select the icon on your desktop OR Go to this URL: (For district name, insert the actual name of your district.)
Log in using the user name and password you have been given.
Click on Student At-A-Glance.
Click on your folder.
Click on Assignments.
Click on the Assessments link. (Select the correct class.)
Find the test that you need to take Find the test that you need to take. Click on the blue link - Take Assessment.
You will see one question presented at a time. Every question has four answer choices. Some may have a passage to read. You may need to scroll to see the whole passage.
Take the test. Use at the bottom left corner of the page to go from question to question. You can also click on the numbers under Questions.
Test Tools To help you think about the question click on the question to bring up the test tools. bold pause test underline save strike-through highlight a word or sentence font size clear formatting undo/redo preview
Test Tools Use the “X” next to the question to eliminate an answer choice.
Test Tools Scratch Pad – write down notes Flag – mark the question to come back to later Scratch Pad – write down notes
Save As you go from question to question, the system will save your answers. You can also use the save button.
Submit Double check that you have answered all the questions. Raise your hand to get teacher permission to submit your test. Use the icon (bottom right corner) on the last question to submit the test. If you leave any questions unanswered, you will see the following message. Choose No and go back to answer those questions.
Submit and Log Out After answering all questions and with teacher permission, click submit. If you see this window click submit again. After you submit, you will see a confirmation stating that your test has been submitted. Close the screen. Log out of the system.