Academic Technology Managers Glossary Working Group Meeting Agenda November 15, 2012| Thursday | 10:00 to 11:00 8 Story Street, Room 508, iCommons Conference Room
Agenda Discussion and PlanningAll WG Members10:00 to 10:55 Next Steps All WG Members10:55 to 11:00 Meeting Documents: Glossary Working Group Meeting Agenda(ppt) November 15, 2012| Thursday| 10:00 to 11:00
Working Group Members Kimberly Hall, HLS Kevin Lau, GSD Mary Spidle (chair), HUIT Kristin Sullivan, GSE
Discussion Questions What is the problem that we are trying to solve? How would you describe the glossary to co-workers and faculty? What is the value of the glossary to our work? Who is the primary audience? Who will use it? What are the types of mechanisms to integrate and aggregate suggestions and contributions? Where should the glossary sit? How will it be maintained?
Possible Approach Define 10 + commonly used (and potentially misunderstood) terms and acronyms that are used across the university (avoid being school/discipline specific) Leverage work and expertise of others Use a wiki Open to the entire community House on the ATM Website Unveil at ABCD-TIE meeting in February to get feedback and encourage contribution
Planning Our Work Deadline for pilot, February 1, 2013 Estimated contribution from members: 2 hours per month for 3 months Provide brief updates at full ATM meetings
The List …. Academic Computing Academic Technology Assessment Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality Blended Learning Big Data BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) CAT (Classroom Assessment Techniques) Courseware Disruptive Innovation/Disruptive Technology Distance Learning E-Portfolio EDM (Educational Data Mining) Educational Technology Evaluation Flipped Classroom Instructional Design Instructional Technology Learning Object Learning Technologies Online Learning Open Course Media MOOC Pedagogy PITFs, HACC, HILT, etc Spatial Data Infrastructure Technology-Enhanced Learning
E-portfolio Disruptive innovation/disruptive technology MOOC CAT (classroom assessment techniques) Courseware Flipped classroom Classroom clickers Open and community source Big Data EDM (Educational data mining) Spatial data infrastructure Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality BYOD (Bring your own device)