Entering the Computer Lab
Use Hand Sanitizer
Walk quietly to the group area.
Sit down on your bottom with your hands in your lap.
While in the Computer Lab
Raise your hand if you have a question.
Respect lab equipment.
Ask permission to leave your seat.
Hands to yourself and on your assigned computer only.
Listen and give your full attention to whoever is talking.
You may talk quietly to your shoulder friends.
Stay on Task
Ask permission before printing or downloading.
Ask permission before doing an online search.
Use links only. Do not type in web addresses.
Turn off the monitor immediately if you go to an inappropriate site Turn off the monitor immediately if you go to an inappropriate site. Raise your hand and quietly wait for the teacher.
Leaving the Computer Lab
Exit out of all programs.
Turn off your monitor.
Stand up quietly.
Push in your chair and stand behind it.
Wait patiently at your seat for instructions