Character Strong Unit 3: Lesson 6 How to start a movement Leadership Notebook Character Dare Tracking Sheet (if you kept it) Pencil or Pen
Essential Trait = Patience Read = X (if you read the whole dare) TRACK YOUR WORK Essential Trait = Patience Read = X (if you read the whole dare) Complete = X (if you did) Incomplete = X (if you did not) Comment = How did it go or why didn’t you do it?
We now know that…Leadership is all about relationships We now know that The… Definition of leadership is influence We now know that … INFLUENCE CAN BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE We now know that … A POSITIVE LEADER SHOWS TRAITS OF A STRONG CHARACTER We now know that … CHARACTER IS WHO YOU ARE BASED ON THE THOUSANDS OF CHOICES YOU MAKE EVERYDAY
TODAY YOU WILL… Reflect daily on their own character and identify ways they could improve it. Identify how relationships and influence (leadership) relates to starting a movement
ZEN COUNTING Was this activity easy to accomplish? Why or why not? Did the intentional focus on listening over our active listening lessons help you at all in doing this activity? Why or why not? Without any discussion, your job is to count to 20 or higher if accomplished, without creating any type of pattern, without indicating who should go next, or without simply going around the circle.
INFLUENCE & RELATIONSHIPS How do relationships and influence connect to starting a movement?
Leadership lessons from a dancing guy Watch the video. Identify how relationships and influence played a role in this movement happening.
CLASS DISCUSSION What influence techniques were used by the dancing guy to start the movement? What did it take for the 2nd person to follow? Why was the first follower so important? Do you believe that the same leadership principles needed for this movement to happen, connect to any movement starting? Why or why not?
Where are you naturally a leader in your life Where are you naturally a leader in your life? Where do you think you could be a first follower?
Do you think that working to become Character Strong through something like the 40 Day Character Dare Challenge helps attract more ‘first followers’ to what you do? Why or why not?
FREE HUGS: Another Influential Movement How did people first respond to the man holding the Free Hugs sign? Predict what would happen if the old lady would not have stopped and given him a hug. In relationships, trust is always an important character trait that people identify as important to have in their leader, friend, co-worker, or any relationship they engage with. How did the leader of the free hugs movement in this video build trust? What sacrifices did this leader have to make in order for this movement to happen? FREE HUGS: Another Influential Movement
HOW TO START A MOVEMENT Based on the videos, what do you need to start a movement? Write a list of 5-10 things needed in your Leadership Notebook.