Draft IUCN WCC resolution Improving management effectiveness in protected and conserved areas
Background: we need to increase focus on quality of protected areas Led by the WCPA Management Effectiveness Specialist Group (Jonas Geldmann) and WCPA Marine Management Effectiveness Task Force (Sue Wells) Background: we need to increase focus on quality of protected areas For the IUCN World Conservation Congress June 2020 in France Submitted before 28 August 2019 Needs at least five co-sponsors before 28 August.
REQUESTS IUCN Members, government agencies and non-governmental organizations to build assessments of effectiveness into their protected area management plans and to encourage the development of explicit mechanisms to (i) document management, and (ii) use the results of assessments in management. CALLS UPON IUCN Members, including States, government agencies and non- governmental organizations to develop and enhance capacity building initiatives for management effectiveness assessment and establish knowledge sharing mechanisms and develop tools to facilitate assessment of management effectiveness. CALLS UPON IUCN Members, including States, government agencies and non- governmental organizations to prioritize the use of management effectiveness tools that assess the condition of biodiversity in protected and conserved areas, in addition to key elements of governance, management, and planning. REQUESTS IUCN Members, including State, government agency and non- governmental organizations to work with UNEP-WCMC, and other relevant organizations, to track global and regional progress in assessing management effectiveness of all protected areas and to improve data collation processes REQUESTS the IUCN Secretariat to prioritize capacity building and assistance to establishment and implementation and assessment of management measures in protected and conserved areas.