NANOfutures Workshop NANOfutures Boosting European Competitiveness in Nanotechnology Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012 NANOfutures association
NANOfutures European Technology Innovation Platform Background Vision and Objectives Roadmapping Approach Roadmap Overview Expected Impact Conclusion Applications & Products by Sectors Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Background Interest in Nanotechnology has increased enormously in the last years due to the technology revolution potential it holds (> 3 billion of Euros of worldwide spending) Economic and social benefits from these large investments in research are nevertheless not fully appearing, due to: gap between research efforts and industrial and user needs dispersion and fragmentation of efforts need to address broader socioeconomic challenges going beyond sectorial technological gaps In order to contribute to the competitiveness and sustainability of EU, meeting the Grand Challenges of our time, a cross-sectorial approach is needed, involving all relevant stakeholders. Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
4 NANOfutures is a new generation cluster of ETPs operating on NANOTECHNOLOGY. European Policies & Objectives Regional & National Programs European Commission Programs NANOfutures at a glance It addresses cross-sectorial needs, joining the efforts of all the stakeholders; It aims at reducing fragmentation, aligning research and innovation efforts for the competitiveness of European nanotechnology it aims at meeting grand societal and economical challenges through fostering the development of sustainable nano-enabled products Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Plus close cooperation with 11 European Technology Platforms From research institute and universities NANOfutures composed of around fast growing 700 members From industrial association and networks From industrial sectors, NANOfutures Structure Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
NANOfutures Steering Committee Chair: Paolo Matteazzi ( MBN Nanomaterialia SpA, IT) Co-chairs: Prof. Kiparissides (CERTH, GR) and Peter Krüger (Bayer Material Science, DE) INDUSTRIALIZATION Tech.Transfer and Innovation Financing NETWORKING SKILLS AND EDUCATION RESEARCH and TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION SAFETY RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL SAFETY STANDARDIZATION REGULATION NANOfutures Structure 11 ETP representatives, appointed by the ETPs 10 Horizontal working groups chairs
NANOfutures European Technology Innovation Platform Background Vision and Objectives Roadmapping Approach Roadmap Overview Expected Impact Conclusion Applications & Products by Sectors Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
NANOfutures Vision By 2025, nanotechnology is expected to be a mature yet still growing industry, with countless mainstream products in all different industrial sectors. In this context, Europe aims to play a market leader position, increasing its competitiveness in all different sectors where nanotechnology may have a strong added value. The growth and commercialization of nanotechnology must be guided and fostered by taking care of social and sustainability aspects. By 2015, Nanotechnology World Market Size would hit 1.1 trillion USD in a broad range of sectors (chemical manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, electronics, materials etc.). Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
NANOfutures Vision If effective alignment of private and public efforts over promising areas is guaranteed from short to long term, European Nanotechnology is expected to give an outstanding contribution to major Societal challenges of our time: Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; Inclusive, innovative and secure societies. Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmapping Objectives NANOfutures integrated Industrial and Research Roadmap aims to: address European key nodes in terms of cross- sectorial research, technology and innovation issues cover broad socio-economic challenges to the implementation and commercialisation of sustainable and safe nanotechnology enabled solutions Have a market-driven value chain approach with a set of tech and non-tech actions along the identified value chains have a long term horizon (>2025) while including detailed implementation plan up to Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
NANOfutures European Technology Innovation Platform Background Vision and Objectives Roadmapping Approach Roadmap Overview Expected Impact Conclusion Applications & Products by Sectors Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETP Working Group NANOfutures is structured as a hub for nanotechnologies and the roadmapping activity reflects this structure The starting point of roadmapping was based on contributions from 11 ETPs and from the NANOfutures members (industries, universities, institutes) divided in 10 Horizontal Working Groups Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETP Working Group The ETPs provided the needs (50) for their economical growth The Working groups analyzed the ETP needs, based on common horizontal issues from industry to safety, from research to communication Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETP Working Group Key Nodes From the clustering of the ETP needs with the horizontal issues emerged 5 Key Nodes. For each of them a leading expert and a group of experts were appointed in order to translate backward the KNs in Actions and Markets Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Value Chains ETP Working Group Key Nodes 7 Value Chains were identified by the experts. The VCs constitute the backbone of the roadmap Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Value Chains Markets ETP Working Group Key Nodes Several Markets were outlined: the WGs will analyze them in order to provide specific guidelines for the development of nanotechnologies Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETPs Working Groups KeyNodes Leaders group 11 European Technology Platforms described their needs 10 Horizontal Working Groups identified 5 KeyNodes based on ETPs needs 7 value chains and several markets, that may use nanotech to successfully address the economy and society challenges Each market will be analyzed and bottlenecks and missing steps outlined, tracing the roadmap to Horizon 2020 Working Groups NANOfutures Roadmapping The loop is almost completed and will be the basis for future activities of NANOfutures ETIP Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
The NANOfutures collaborative environment has a great potential because it is an hub for all the necessary actors to complete the bridge. KNOWLEDGE MARKET ProductsTechnology Science Production Technological Facilities Pilot Lines Globally Competitive Manufacturing Facilities PULL Technological Research Industrial Consortia Competitive Manufacturing PUSH VALUE CHAIN The Meaning of Value Chains Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
VALUE CHAIN MODELLING MATERIALS TOOLS METROLOGY COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY FINAL PRODUCT PRODUCTION CHAIN DESIGNPRODUCT The Meaning of Value Chains Within a Value Chain the Production Chain was highlighted, in order to evidence the missing steps in order to have the product. Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
VALUE CHAIN PRODUCTION CHAIN GROWTH SUSTAINABILITY SAFETY REGULATION EDUCATION & TRAINING ENVIRONMENT STANDARDIZATION SOCIETAL CHAIN COMMUNICATION Sustainability overarch the chains addressing the societal challenges. The Meaning of Value Chains Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
VALUE CHAINS KNOWLEDGE DESIGN GROWTH MARKET PRODUCTS SUSTAINABILITY Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges The Meaning of Value Chains Value chain actions are aligned with Horizon 2020 structure (Excellent Science, Societal Challenges, Industrial Leadership). Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Chains and Roadmap MARKETs PRODUCTs SUSTAINABILITY KNOWLEDGE DESIGN GROWTH VALUE CHAIN PRODUCT CHAIN SOCIETAL CHAIN 5 Key Nodes and 7 Value Chain identified 20 Possible Markets Identified Cross-cutting actions that overarch the roadmap The value chains constitute the backbone on which is made the roadmap The product chains bring the roadmap near to the applicative and measurable field The societal chains assure the sustainability of the roadmap Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
NANOfutures European Technology Innovation Platform Background Vision and Objectives Roadmapping Approach Roadmap Overview Expected Impact Conclusion Applications & Products by Sectors Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Overview Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Textile and sport sector Energy and ICT ( structuring, surface or nanoporous materials ) Packaging Transportation Integration of nano Direct manufacturing Semi finished 3d structures for optoelectronic Structured Surfaces ICT ( Nanoelectronics, photonics ) Transportations Construction and buildings Medicine ( Bio-sensors, regen. medicine ) Functional Fluids Construction and building Transportation Medicine Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling and Testing Nano-enabled surfaces for multi-sectorial applications Nano-Micro scale manufacturing Safety & Sustainability Nano-enabled surfaces Nano structures and composites Value Chains Cross Sectorial Non-Technological Actions Design, Modelling and Testing of materials Key Nodes Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Focus: VCs & Markets VC6 Integration of nano Direct manufacturing Finished net shaped Semi finished Catalysis and filtration 3D structures for nanoelectronics & photonics VC3 Structured Surfaces Energy (PV batteries, harvesting) ICT (Nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors) Transportation Construction and buildings Textile and passive funct. Medicine (Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, regen. medicine) Cross Sectorial Non-Technological Actions VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling and Testing Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design VC2 - Nano- enabled surfaces for multi-sectorial applications Plasma and Vacuum Engineered Surfaces Wet Engineered Surfaces VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harvesting & Conversion ICT Functional Packaging VC5 Functional Fluids Construction and building Transportation Medicine &Pharma Consumer Products (Cosmetics & Household Cleaning) ICT (Thermal & Electrical Management) ICT VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Textile and sport sector Energy Packaging Transportation Construction and buildings
Roadmap Focus: VCs & Markets Value Chains Value Chains Market 2 Market 3 Market 5 Market 1 Market 4 ETPs Markets Each Market meets many ETP Each Market Meets many Societal Challenges Each ETP meets many Societal Challenges EU societal challenges Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Market & Value Chain ETPs Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
VC2 - Nano-enabled surfaces for multi- sectorial applications Plasma and Vacuum Engineered Surfaces Wet Engineered Surfaces VC3 Structured Surfaces Energy ( PV batteries, harvesting ) ICT ( Nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors ) Transportation Construction and buildings Textile and passive funct. Medicine ( Bio- sensors, Lab on a Chip regenerative medicine ) VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harvesting & Conversion ICT Functional Packaging ICTTextile and sport sectorEnergyPackagingTransportation VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Construction and buildings Roadmap Focus: VCs & Markets
Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012 VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling and Testing Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design VC5 Functional Fluids Construction and building Transportation Medicine &Pharma ICT (Thermal & Electrical Management) Consumer Products (Cosmetics & Household Cleaning) VC6 Integration of nano Direct manufacturing Finished net shaped 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics Semi finished Catalysis and filtration
Market & Value Chain ETPs Direct answers to the needs Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETP focus on specific VCs VC6 Integration of nano Finished net shaped Semi finished 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics VC3 Structured Surfaces Medicine ( Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, Regenerative medicine ) VC7 Multiscale Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for design Cross Sectorial Non- Technologic al Actions Semi finished 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics VC6 Integration of nano VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling and Testing Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harvesting & Conversion VC6 Integration of nano 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics VC3 Structured Surfaces ICT ( Nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors ) VC2 - Nano-enabled surfaces for multi- sectorial applications Plasma and Vacuum Engineered Surfaces Wet Engineered Surfaces Medicine (Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, Regenerative medicine) VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics ICT Functional Packaging VC5 Functional Fluids ICT (Thermal & Electrical Management) Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
ETP focus on specific VCs VC6 Integration of nano Finished net shaped Semi finished Catalysis and filtration 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics Cross Sectorial Non- Technological Actions VC3 Structured Surfaces Medicine ( Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, Regenerative Medicine ) VC5 Functional Fluids Medicine &Pharma VC3 Structured Surfaces Construction and buildings VC6 Integration of nano Semi finished Catalysis and filtration VC5 Functional Fluids Construction and building VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harversting & Conversion VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Construction and buildings VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design Textile and sport sector VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites VC3 Structured Surfaces Textile and passive functionalities
Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012 ETP focus on specific VCs VC6 Integration of nano 3D structures for nanoelectronics and photonics VC3 Structured Surfaces ICT ( Nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors ) VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design Cross Sectorial Non-Technological Actions VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Transportation VC3 Structured Surfaces Transportation VC5 Functional Fluids Transportation VC6 Integration of nano Catalysis and filtration VC5 Functional Fluids Medicine &Pharma VC7 Multiscale Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design Cross Sectorial Non- Technological Actions VC2 - Nano-enabled surfaces for multi-sectorial applications Plasma and Vacuum Engineered Surfaces Wet Engineered Surfaces Consumer Products (Cosmetics & Household Cleaning)
EU societal challenges ETPs Direct answers to the needs Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Societal Challenges focus on specific VCs Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; Some examples: VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harvesting & Conversion VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Energy Transportation VC6 Integration of nano Catalysis and filtration … VC7 Infrastructure for Multiscale Modelling and Testing Complex Adaptive Systems for complete product design VC3 Structured Surfaces Construction and buildings VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics Energy Harvesting & Conversion VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composite Transportation VC5 Functional Fluids Transportation VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Transportation … Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Societal Challenges focus on specific VCs Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine research and the bio-economy Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Some examples: … VC3 Structured Surfaces Medicine (Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, regen. medicine) VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Packaging … VC5 Functional Fluids Consumer Products (Cosmetics & Household Cleaning) VC3 Structured Surfaces Medicine (Bio-sensors, Lab on a Chip, regen. medicine) VC1 - Lightweight multifunctional materials and sustainable composites Textile and sport sector … VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics VC4 Alloys Ceramics, Intermetallics ICT Functional Packaging VC3 Structured Surfaces ICT (Nanoelectronics, photonics, sensors) Cross Sectorial Non- Technological Actions Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Focus: VCs & Markets Each Market is related with more than one ETP Each ETP is related with more than one Market Reliability of the system is guaranteed by integration and complementarities of the actions Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Overview TRL 7-8 TRL 5-6 TRL 1-4 FINAL PRODUCT WASTE TREATMENT MODELLING MATERIALS TOOLS METROLOGY COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY MARKET DEFINITION For each market the Value chain is highlighted The action are evaluated for their Technology Readiness Level from 1 to 8 (from tech assessment to production implementation) Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Overview FINAL PRODUCT WASTE TREATMENT MODELLING MATERIALS TOOLS METROLOGY COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY ACTION MARKET DEFINITION TRL 7-8 TRL 5-6 TRL 1-4 The Value Chain includes actions at Short Term, at Medium Term: at Long Term: and beyond Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Overview FINAL PRODUCT WASTE TREATMENT MODELLING MATERIALS TOOLS METROLOGY COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY ACTION MARKET DEFINITION TRL 7-8 TRL 5-6 TRL 1-4 NON-TECH ACTIONS Non technological actions complete the definition of the market Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012
Roadmap Overview The identified actions will address two main outcomes in the roadmap: The identification of common actions (technological or not) from different markets and value chains. The identification of markets and value chains that require only few actions to be completed. Industrial Technologies 2012 Aarhus, 20 June 2012