Save your work in the USB MS Excel folder. Setting Up Your Typing Progress MS Excel Worksheet Save your work in the USB MS Excel folder.
You will need to set up your worksheet to resemble this example. If you need help understanding MS Excel please visit:
To size a Column or Row, hover the cursor over a dividing line To size a Column or Row, hover the cursor over a dividing line. The cursor will change to a double arrow. Hold the mouse key and size the row or column width or height.
To select a Column or Row, hover the cursor over the center of the row or column. The cursor will change to a single arrow. Click the mouse key and the row or column will go gray to indicate the row or column is selected. Now you can use the fill color to add a color choice.
Size the B column & the H column down to 1/3 size approximately Size the B column & the H column down to 1/3 size approximately. Color the column gray. If you need help understanding MS Excel please visit:
In cell A1 write My Typing Progress. BOLD typestyle Make sure you align middle and Center your text, See example:
In cell A2 write Your Name. BOLD typestyle Make sure you Align Middle and Center your text, See example:
In cell A3 write Practice Week Date. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell C3 write Monday. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell D3 write Tuesday. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell E3 write Wednesday. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell F3 write Thursday. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell G3 write Friday. BOLD & Underline typestyle In cell I3 write AWPM. BOLD & Underline typestyle Make sure you Align Middle and Center your text, See example:
In cell A4 write in this date 1/7/2019, In the other cells on Row 4 write na
Save your work in the MS Excel folder on your USB Drive. In cell A5 write in this date 1/14/2019, In Cell C5 write your typing score from Mondays Typing test. Save your work in the MS Excel folder on your USB Drive. My Typing Progress
Worksheet Example as of 3/5/2019