Where cats rule the wild! warriors Where cats rule the wild!
riverclan They are the only clan that can swim! They only eat fish. They are very sleek. Their leaders are leopardstar and mistystar, crookedstar, hailstar. Their deputies are, leopardfur ,mistyfoot, stonefur, crookedjaw, reedwhisker.
windclan They are the fastest runners They eat rabbits They live on the moor They live next to thunderclan and riverclan. They had the longest living leader, tallstar. Their second leader is onestar. They are allies with thunderclan.
thunderclan They eat mice, squirrels, voles, and sparrows. They can climb trees. They live in the forest. They are the main clan. they have heroes the y are squirrelflight, brambleclaw, fireheart, and bluefur.
shadowclan They had the evilest leader, tigerstar. They eat frogs and toads. They are mainly made up of rouges. They used to be good. they live in the bog. They don’t have any friends
starclan They are ancient ancestors who walk the skies. They are called sliverpelt. They are from the clans. Their enemies is the dark forest. They have no boundries
skyclan They are a lost clan. they were brought back by firestar They are the highest jumpers They live in the gorge. They are not with the clans. They are moons away. Their leader is leafstar.