Add to Table of Contents: Mineral Observations Pg. 22 Minerals of Earth’s Crust Pg. 23
Title page 22 in notebook: Mineral observations
Mineral Observations Pg. 24 Write down each mineral Mineral Observations Pg. 24 Write down each mineral. Skip a line between mineral names. 1. Halite- 2. Calcite- 3. Magnetite- 4. Apatite- 5. Sulfur- 6. Mica- 7. Pyrolusite- 8. Pyrite- 9. Feldspar- 10. Fluorite- 11. Olivine- 12. Bauxite- 13. Quartz- 14. Hematite- 15. Barite-
As you walk around the stations, write down observations about the mineral samples. You will have 30 seconds at each station. Name:________________ Observations: Color:_____________ Shiny or not shiny? Smooth or rough? After you are done: What characteristics do all minerals have in common?
Hand out note fill-in page
Ch. 5 Minerals of the Earth’s Crust
What is a Mineral? Natural, usually inorganic solid substance with a crystal structure. Inorganic=nonliving Pyromorphite
What do all minerals have in common? Are formed by natural processes. Are NOT alive and NEVER were alive Are solids with a definite volume and shape. Are elements or compounds with a unique chemical makeup Are made up of particles that are arranged in a pattern that is repeated over and over (called a CRYSTAL)
Crystal forms(add to bottom of paper) euhedral crystal ahedral crystal subhedral crystal - Ideal crystal form. Does not exhibit ideal crystal form. - Between a euhedral and ahedral crystal. Most naturally occurring minerals grow in less than ideal conditions (such as growing with limited space) and therefore are often subhedral or ahedral crystals. An example of horneblende is seen here.
Minerals in the Earth’s Crust More than 3000 different types of minerals, but only 20 are common. Quartz(SiO2)is the most common mineral in the Earth’s crust.
Tape your notes in on pg. 25