MIMOD – A look ahead MIMOD Mixed-Mode Designs for Social Surveys ROME April 11th | 12th 2019 MIMOD Mixed-Mode Designs for Social Surveys FINAL WORKSHOP MIMOD – A look ahead Marina Signore Istat
A look ahead Results from MIMOD Very variegate situation in the ESS Observed in all WPs 1-5 Recommendations and practical guidelines Provided by all WPs 1-5 Not a definitive answer Rapid changes in society and in technology Next steps and actions Wide dissemination of MIMOD results Keep the discussion alive 2 MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, 11-12 April 2019
Areas for future work Mode choice and mode allocation: two checklists aimed to guide the design of mixed-mode strategies to explore how each step of the checklists is viewed and assessed in EU NSIs (e.g. follow-up questionnaire) tailoring the checklist for mode choice and mode allocation to more specific cases Mode effects assessment and adjustment even though standardization is difficult, the general guidelines can be considered as a first step towards the development of generalized tools for the methodological design of countries’ own strategies. the guidelines comprise of a number of design choices and specifications. it would be very valuable to make an inventory of how the ESS NSI’s make these choices and whether there is a common ground to harmonize some of the choices 3 MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, 11-12 April 2019
Areas for future work Data collection systems recommendations on the components of Data collection systems were singled out together with the architecture and software design principles that would allow for sharing of tools in the ESS a further step would consist of trying to join efforts and collaborate in designing and, maybe also, in developing some components of the systems (e.g. starting from a single component or a single aspect) Web questionnaire design and testing a strong recommendation is to adopt an omnimode approach a redesign of Eurostat model questionnaires and technical guidelines for ESS social surveys for increased use of mixed-mode data collection and usage of CAWI in the ESS Wiki forum continuation of research and the exchange of experiences and results methodology and protocols for mixed-mode pretesting Use of smartphone and mobile device sensors mobile device first questionnaire design, questionnaire length of ESS surveys, a more detailed replication of the survey-sensor data inventory 4 MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, 11-12 April 2019