Rhetorical Analysis Analyzing Text
S - Speaker Who is the writer/speaker/author? What are his credentials/his authority? What is his stance (position)? Curious? Opinioned? Passionate? Indifferent? Something else? Knowing all of this about the speaker affects how you understand the text, whether you agree or disagree— take it seriously, etc.
O – Occasion Circumstances that created the need for the text When? Where? What caused the writing to happen? What’s the broader issue, the big picture? The immediate situation? Atmosphere Attitudes Current events Cultural beliefs Geographic location
A - Audience Who is the intended audience? Are you a member of that group? If not, you should plan to look up unfamiliar terms/concepts Might you run into ideas/assumptions/ philosophies that you DON’T agree with?
P - Purpose Why are YOU reading this text? WHY does the text exist? What is the writer’s goal? What does he want to achieve? Entertain? Inform? Persuade? What does he want you to think or to do now? Why are YOU reading this text?
S - Subject What is the text about? Specific / general? Current / timeless?
G - Genre What is the medium/genre the text is written in? Speech? Essay? Letter? Book – fiction/nonfiction? Web? Ad? Publisher / Sponsor? Date of publication? Reputable? Credible?
Tone Attitude of the speaker/author Helps to determine what the author means Methods the speaker might use Diction (choice of words) Syntax (sentence construction) Imagery Metaphors Similes Figurative language
It all fits together – and overlaps!