Guidance for good practice in counselling and psychotherapy
Aims To apply ethics to the contemporary challenges faced by talking therapies Strong emphasis on good practice How good? How safe? How do you know? Validate contextually appropriate good practice
Changes in voice Guidance is directed towards general principles rather than specific behaviours [with exception of prohibition on sex with clients and obligation to receive supervision] [informed consent/contracts] Strives to be respectful of contextually appropriate good practice Creates platform for supplementary guidelines
Changes in content Definition of practitioner as inclusive of range of roles Responsibility to clients set alongside responsibility to be adequately supported and the quality of relationship with colleagues Explicit consideration of competence and keeping trust Care of self as practitioner
Good quality of care and competent practice Pitched to promote contextually appropriate practice boundaries and dual relationships record keeping competence requires regular review and being up to date
Keeping trust Key features: harm to self and others quality of listening and respect cultural appropriateness respect for privacy and dignity careful attention to consent and confidentiality harm to self and others at risk of harm by others young people
Teaching, supervising and researching Assumes that the guidance is generic and therefore applicable to these roles Sets out additional areas of responsibility beyond those of counsellor or psychotherapist Creates new challenges for determining contextually appropriate relationships Additional support planned
Resolving complaints: if things go wrong with own client Prompt and appropriate response Attempt remedy if possible Mobilise professional support to reduce risk of repetition and increase understanding Insurance encouraged Second opinion for disputes over what is good practice - mediation Notify client of relevant procedures (BACP)
Local resolution and BACP BACP welcomes and encourages: local resolution of issues as quickly as possible appropriate use of local procedures use of PCP where the issue remains unresolved/is inappropriate for local resolution /substantial issues requiring a professional bodies consideration is desirable our collective aim is the protection of the public
New balance in professional accountability Greater flexibility in ethical responsibility envisaged in Ethics and Guidance for Good Practice balanced by greater emphasis on: honouring and keeping trust routine accountability to clients and colleagues/stakeholders a more accessible PCP