Student Code of Conduct 2016-2017 All changes are highlighted in blue within the COC section (pages 71-112).
Student Code of Conduct Committee Administrative Review March 24-April 16, 2016 Rob Thornell Jennifer Alexander Logan Faris Michael Griffin Joel Johnson Kevin Lacefield Gina Lee Tracy Cartas Jamie Farber Gary Gindt Mike Conklin Jerhea Nail Emily Conklin Angela Scott Principals and Assistant Principals March 24, 2016 / April 8, 2016 Sandy Conklin (Beck) Jamie McAllister (Schluter/Love) Carrie Pierce (Hatfield) Jessica McDonald (Hughes) Kim Barker (TMS) Paige Cantrell (MMS) Justin Vercher (CTMS) Cyndy Cox and Andy Gebert (WMS) Carol McDaniel-White (NHS) Twana Moore (BNHS) Philo Waters (EHS) Susan Moore (Special Programs)
Code of Conduct Committee Updates Page 71 – Behavior/Discipline Coordinator – Changed title from person to coordinator to match legal requirement wording Page 72 – Positive Behavior Management Techniques – Bullets updated to provide clarification and accuracy: Tier 1 – Removed “Fred Jones” from “Classroom Management Techniques” Tier 1 – Added Classroom Guidance Lessons by Counselor (Elementary) Tier 2 – Changed “Chill Out Zone” to “Cool Off Space/Area” Page 78, 83, & 88 – Disciplinary Consequences All Level II Charts: Offense #3 – Using Inappropriate… - Added more definitive wording: Using inappropriate language/actions/gestures/ pictures/symbols/sounds (verbal or written) Offense #6 - Being Tardy – Matched Examples of Disciplinary Options between Elementary, Middle, and High School
Code of Conduct Committee Updates Page 80, 85, & 90 – All Level III Charts: Offense #3 - Using profane… - Reworded to separate threatening actions to separate offense listing and to add more definitive wording: Using profane, vulgar, or obscene language, pictures, gestures, symbols, and sounds (written or verbal) Offense #13 (ES), #14 (MS), & #15 (HS) – NEW – Using threatening language, actions, pictures, gestures, symbols, and sounds, including hit lists (written or verbal) Offense #14 (ES), #15 (MS), & #16 (HS) – NEW - Trespassing and/or facilitating or being party to allowing trespass of another student(s) or person(s) into a campus or facility. Offense #10 (ES) and #13 (MS & HS) - Added taser to the list of prohibited weapon examples. Offense #19 (ES) and #18 (MS & HS) - Moved falsifying report to #19 on ES chart and #18 on MS & HS chart rather than under Interfering with School Activities.
Code of Conduct Committee Updates Page 82-83 (MS) and 87-88 (HS) – Removal of “Cheating or copying the work of another / Academic dishonesty” from Level I to now be at Level II for MS and HS Discipline Charts. Page 98 – In School Suspension-Restrictions/Prohibitions - Changed restriction to be in place until the end of the instructional day of the last day of the assignment (instead of the next school day) to allow participation at the end of instructional day and the completion of their last day of placement in ISS. Now reads: A student assigned ISS is prohibited from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related competition on or off school property during the calendar day(s) on which the assignment applies through the end of the instructional day of the last day of placement in ISS. If the student receives additional assignments while serving an ISS placement, this prohibition is extended for all consecutive assignments through the end of the instructional school day of placement in ISS. Page 99 – Out of School Suspension-Restrictions/Prohibitions - Changed restriction to be the day following the last day of suspension (instead of next school day) to align with practices and guides within the Administrative Discipline Guide. Now reads: A student who is assigned an Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) is prohibited from being on any school campus or property and from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activities on or off school property, including practice, until the day following the last day of the Out of School Suspension (OSS) assignment. ISS - Why change? With previous wording, participation being the next school day caused students are doubly disciplined for the evening event on the last day even though the suspension is complete at the end of the school day. OSS – Why change? With previous wording, participation being the next school day causes students to be doubly disciplined for any weekend events that fall after the last day even though the suspension was complete the last calendar day of the placement. Keep in mind that students in extra-curricular activities may be held to an additional disciplinary consequence if the offense causes the student to fall within their second or third offense (possible suspension from extra-curricular activities).
Code of Conduct Revisions for 2016-2017 Any Questions…