Whole-genome microarray analysis of gene expression in the livers of control mice and STAM mice subjected to NASH-derived hepatocarcinogenesis. Whole-genome microarray analysis of gene expression in the livers of control mice and STAM mice subjected to NASH-derived hepatocarcinogenesis. A, Heatmaps and unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis of log-normalized intensities illustrating differences in global hepatic gene expression profiles between control mice and STAM mice at steatosis (6 weeks), NASH-fibrosis (12 weeks), and full-fledged HCC (20 weeks) stages of NASH-related liver carcinogenesis. Color bar identifies high-expressed (red) and low-expressed (blue) genes. B, Principal component analysis (PCA) illustrating transcriptomic differences in gene expression in the livers of control mice and STAM mice subjected to NASH-derived hepatocarcinogenesis. C, Venn diagram illustrating number of differentially expressed genes at 6, 12, and 20 weeks in the livers of STAM mice subjected to NASH-derived hepatocarcinogenesis. Aline de Conti et al. Mol Cancer Res 2017;15:1163-1172 ©2017 by American Association for Cancer Research