The children will continue to have weekly spellings tests on a Monday.


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Presentation transcript:

The children will continue to have weekly spellings tests on a Monday. Science Year 3 will be finding out about light, how we bend it and how it travels! Year 4 will be looking at different states of matter, identifying changes that can be reversed and those that cannot. Art, DT and Computers The children will design and make their own Motte and Bailey Castles, Bayeux Tapestry and Easter sewing. The children will learn how to make a PowerPoint, word process and continue to code in their computer lessons. R.E We will be looking at how and why people might pray and again focusing on Hinduism and Christianity. PSHE: The year 3 children will continue developing their Growth Mindsets and explore the Power of Yet as well as learning about our character words and being more resilient. The year 4 children will start a 12-week course with Mrs Anderson called Paws B. More details will be sent to you shortly. The Storming Normans English The children will continue to have weekly spellings tests on a Monday. This term, we will be writing newspaper articles, interviews and information leaflets. We will also be studying performance poetry so get your expressive faces ready and warm up your voices! Music Year 3s will have music lessons with Mrs Harrison and the Year 4s continue to learn how to play their brass instruments. Physical Development Year 3s and 4s have two PE sessions a week; one is swimming on a Wednesday morning and the other session is on a Friday with Mr Green. The children will be playing Invasion Games (Basketball). Maths In maths the children will be learning about length, area and perimeter. They will be encouraged to develop pace and confidence when tackling problem solving questions. Later in the term they will start to think about fractions including how to count and order fractions then recognise fractions of shapes, length and in numbers. History and Geography Our topic for this term is The Normans. We will be trying to answer questions such as; Why did William the Conqueror invade England? What were Norman castles like to live in? How have Norman castles changed over time? And , why do we still like to visit them today?