(a) GPS summary diagram showing the spatial variation in GPS vectors in this region. (a) GPS summary diagram showing the spatial variation in GPS vectors in this region. GPS velocities are taken from Maurin et al. (2010), Gahalaut et al. (2013) and Gan et al. (2007) and converted to a consistent reference frame by Vernant et al. (2014). Vectors show velocities relative to stable India. (b) Locations of the GPS stations used in (a). The colour changes with longitude, chosen to emphasize major tectonic features. Stations in the southern part of the area are surrounded by a black line in both panels. Dashed line marks the line of the cross-section in (c–e). (c) GPS velocities with respect to India oriented towards 190° (the opposite direction to India–Sunda Plate motion at the latitude of the TFB) in red, and 280° (perpendicular to plate motion) in black. SFZ and CMFZ mark the Sagaing and Churachandpur-Mao Fault Zones. VA, the volcanic arc in central Myanmar. (d) Topography of the Indo-Burman Ranges, Tripura Fold Belt and Myanmar Central Basin. (e) Earthquake focal mechanisms are shown as Northern Hemisphere projections. These mechanisms are taken from Chen & Molnar (1990), Mitra et al. (2005) or from the GCMT catalogue when the earthquakes have depth constraints from Stork et al. (2008). Red dots represent earthquakes from Stork et al. (2008) for which focal mechanisms are not available. The oval surrounds earthquakes that appear to occur above the subducting Indian Plate, apparently within the upper mantle or lower crust of the Myanmar Central Basin. Further study is needed to confirm these observations. R. A. Sloan et al. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2017;48:19-52 © 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved