Assessing Young Children Chapter 3
Terminology Observations Observational records Anecdotal notes Running records Class journals Checklists Frequency records Event sampling Time sampling Rating scales Portfolios Documentation panel Formative evaluation Summative evaluation
Observation Planning observations What When How Skinner – the moment an experimenter enter the situation the situation is changed. Box 3.1 Observation outline – measure against the standards of development, standards of intellectual development, standards of academic achievement Unlikely that you can engaging in your job and observe. Plan to observe only.
Anecdotal notes/ Running Records Brief note regarding significant developmental events in the child’s life Running record 10- minute recording of all of child’s behavior & or verbalizations. Running record also used to record child tasks and child reading or problem solving. Both tell the teacher and the parent about growth
Logs & Notebooks Maintaining notes through the year Program, center, or child oriented or all of them Class journals – end of day reflections about events, processes, & students
Checklists Checklists as records – documenting skills or achievements Frequency records used for measuring Positive growth curves such as frequency of word use- 2 words, 3 words etc. Used for documenting behaviors challenges or needs
Event sampling Activity sampling for target behaviors Frequency Environment Triggers Consequences
Time Sampling Several varieties Whole time sampling Partial Momentary Good to use as a measure of transition processes
Rating Scales Predetermined behavioral descriptions Based on? Error in recording – reliability of observations Video or audio tapes to document
Portfolios Document growth Teaching tool Links reading and writing Adult child partnerships Individualized for the goals for each child What to include?
Documentation Panel Reggio Emilio Document knowledges, skills, & dispositions Formative – work in progress Summative- evaluation of project, event, activity Used for children and for program improvement
Integration Planning Teaching Assessing Evaluating Improving Write out your plan and share it with parents.