Adaptations of a Howler Monkey By: Mackenzie De La Cruz
Throats AAAAHHH! Male Howler Monkeys have big throats. They are meant for sending a clear noise to other monkeys.
Tails Howler Monkeys can hang on to branches With their strong tails. They are also to use it as an extra arm.
Noses Howler Monkeys have keen noses. They can smell their food up to two kilometers away.
Hands & feet Howler Monkeys walk on both their hands and feet while up it trees. They use their tails too help them. Using all five things gives them a better grip.
Groups Howler Monkeys stay in groups from 15 to 20. This way the male monkeys can watch the rest of the group. There are usually 3 to 4 males in a group.
Habitat Howler Monkeys live in high trees to stay away from predators. Especially during the night.
Diet Howler monkeys mainly eat leaves and fruit. This keeps them healthy.