Eau Claire county niatx project 2018 Lita Prorok Jeff Wright
BIG AIM: Reduce readmissions while also reducing our overall ED numbers. SMALL AIM: Increase the use of adult crisis stabilization as a lesser restrictive outcome in crisis assessments from the 59% average monthly utilization rate in 2017. Target utilization is 80% Big and small aim
Collaboration occurred with Midway in regards to “higher risk” clients that may come to their facility Additional training occurred with NWC crisis staff in regards to crisis stabilization and Midway facility Letter was sent to local hospitals reminding them of crisis stabilization and when to utilize such Training was offered but none showed interest Reminder was sent to hospitals again 1 ½ months later What did we do?
Statistics Prior to Project Statistics After 152 emergency detentions 7% readmission rate 46% crisis stabilization utilization rate 108 emergency detentions 6% readmission rate 58.2% crisis stabilization utilization rate July had 83% utilization August had 93% utilization Other months were low in numbers, which may be due to overall crisis contacts being lower in general results
We have adopted the plan as there were increases in crisis stabilization use Will continue to provide reminders and additional education to crisis staff and hospitals on crisis stabilization services Placement at Midway also assisted clients in getting further services with ECC DHS, such as starting CCS We may be adapting the plan as well Eau Claire DHS will be having conversations in 2019 about additional crisis stabilization options What’s next?