Intellicount provides a multifunctional analysis platform with commonly used graphical data representation and statistical methods. Intellicount provides a multifunctional analysis platform with commonly used graphical data representation and statistical methods. A-C, In addition to bar graphs, data distribution can be directly visualized and exported as (A) dot, (B) cumulative fraction (for puncta area and intensity), or (C) box-and-whisker plots. Note, rounds here are reported according to folder nesting order and correspond to increasing time points in the synapse formation analysis presented in bar graph form previously (Fig. 3). D, Histograms for areas of identified puncta are collected for each image for three increasing time points. Here, one image taken from three different rounds are overlaid to demonstrate the shift toward larger puncta during maturation. E, Statistical comparisons can be directly performed in Intellicount’s analysis platform allowing visualization of significantly different groups. Rounds highlighted in red are significantly different from the round selected by the user in blue. F, Computation of statistical test data including p values for one-way ANOVA and post hoc analysis (Tukey-Kramer). Note, box notches (C) and line lengths (E) define the boundary of 95% confidence intervals for the data and the mean for each round, respectively. Thus, in E, rounds colored with red (rounds 1–3) are statistically different (at p < 0.05) from the round selected in blue (round 6), while rounds colored in black (rounds 4–5) are not. J. A. Fantuzzo et al. eNeuro 2017;4:ENEURO.0219-17.2017 ©2017 by Society for Neuroscience