MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM, MONGOLIA International PRTR week: 3rd Global Round Table on PRTRs and 6th meeting on Working Group of Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM, MONGOLIA Sarantuya Jigjiddorj Strengthening Capacities for Developing a National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) in Support of SAICM Implementation in Mongolia project national coordinator
Challenges : Air pollution MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Challenges : Air pollution Air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city 20 40 60 80 100 120 2015 2016 2017 2018 Хүлцэх агууламж Content of Sulphur during the cold season 2 Ger district 202,000 HHs Heating boilers 3,200 Vehicles 365,000 Power Plant 3 Waste & soil pollution Air pollution source /during winter / Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 50 100 150 200 250 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 2015 2016 2017 2018 Precaution value PM2.5 monthly average during cold season Source: State of the Environment of Mongolia report 2015-2017
Challenges: Water pollution MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Challenges: Water pollution 5% - Slightly polluted 49% - Extremely fresh 42% - Fresh 1% - Polluted 2% - Extremely polluted Surface water quality, 2016 Surface water pollution Hydrological station NO2 NH4 Water quality of Tuul river Extremely fresh Fresh Slightly polluted Polluted Усны бохирдлын эх үүсвэр: Цэвэрлээгүй, дутуу цэвэрлэсэн ахуйн болон үйлдвэрийн хаягдал ус Стандартын шаардлага хангахгүй ариун цэврийн байгууламж Хог хаягдал, хөрсний бохирдол (хот суурин, МАА, газар тариалан) Агаарын бохирдол Уул уурхай, барилгын үйлдвэрлэлээс үүдэлтэй лаг шавар, хагшаас Annually 4-24 samples collected by central and regional laboratories and around 30 components are analyzed. In 2016 the national surface water quality test was carried out covering 94 rivers, 18 lakes and 127 hydro stations, 191 designated points are included.
The current status of PRTR in Mongolia MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM The current status of PRTR in Mongolia The goal of the project – provide technical & financial support for design& pilot testing of a National PRTR in Mongolia Activities conducted in the past months: Workshops on awareness raise for stakeholders, civil society and public to inform on the use of PRTR and its’ data Training for industries on how to report emissions Finalized list of substances to be included in the National PRTR system and estimation techniques Developed an online software for collecting data from facilities Pilot testing conducted involving major industry representatives Final workshop on launching national PRTR system will be organized on December 12, 2018
The future of PRTR in Mongolia Ensuring sustainability is utmost important- Who will be responsible for maintaining the system Connecting with other environmental data: Environmental Impact Assessment Database Chemical Toxic Substance Database Contaminated Sites Information System Compensation for Environmental Damage Data base. Legal regulation Amending some articles of laws, and updating some decrees of the MET “Pay if you pollute” principle is in place.
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