The Sun
Our Solar Centre the Sun is a star at the centre of our universe It warms Earth and supports every form of life on the planet it makes up around 99.86% of the Solar System’s mass Sun is made of: hydrogen - 74% helium - 24% oxygen, carbon, iron and neon make up the remaining percentage the Sun’s diameter is about 110 times wider than Earth’s light from the Sun reaches Earth in around 8 minutes the average distance from the Sun to the Earth is around 150 million kilometers Earth is the only planet in the solar system whose orbit is just the right distance away to sustain life emits radiation in almost all forms found in the electromagnetic spectrum including: visible light ultraviolet radiation (UV) infrared radiation
The Layers of the Sun Core nuclear fusion occurs here which produces huge amounts of energy Radiative Zone light and other forms of radiation are continuously reabsorbed Convective Zone continuous circulation of plasma Photosphere the part of the sun we see from the Earth Chromosphere can only be seen during a total eclipse Corona outermost layer of the sun
Surface Features of the Sun Sunspot region of the Sun`s surface that is cooler than surrounding areas Prominences large, curved stream of bright particles that frequently forms a loop Solar flares massive explosion that originates at the Sun`s surface Coronal mass ejection a very powerful kind of flare that when aimed at Earth could potentially damage satellites or transmission lines on the ground
The Sun`s Effects on Earth Solar Wind continuous flow of particles out of the Sun`s surface may damage electronic equipment and devices Aurora Borealis from solar wind and produces displays of green, yellow, and red light in the skies in the northern and southern regions of Earth northern region – Aurora Borealis southern region – Aurora Australis