IGIC Geospatial Preparedness Committee (Committee chairs: Megan Compton and Rich Anderson)
Geospatial Preparedness Mission To create and advance the statewide network of GIS professionals dedicated to enhancing and sharing geospatial applications, technologies and knowledge among the GIS community, in preparation for and recovery from a public safety need, emergency, or disaster. Goals Encourage information and knowledge sharing among the GIS community. Provide learning opportunities to enhance community planning capabilities. Advance data sharing for assistance in broad spectrum public safety needs.
Geospatial Preparedness Objectives Share information on advancements in GIS applications across public safety, for new and existing programs. Support geospatial collaborations and data sharing within and between stakeholder groups. Develop a geospatial enabled contact list for GIS professionals across Indiana, representing State, County and Local jurisdictions. Facilitate best practice training opportunities for GIS professionals to support public safety/preparedness.
Geospatial Preparedness 2017 Activities Create and manage the extreme events scenario training package, making it available for GIS user groups and educational opportunities across the Indiana. Facilitate the Extreme Events Scenario workshop at the annual GIS conference. Refine the GIS professionals contact list to be geospatially enabled, and share online with GIS community. Plan educational sessions for bi-monthly committee meetings.