A presentation by ir Winfred Rusk, Nuclear Acoforfs Studies PhD


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Presentation transcript:

A presentation by ir Winfred Rusk, Nuclear Acoforfs Studies PhD Underwater Acoforfs A presentation by ir Winfred Rusk, Nuclear Acoforfs Studies PhD Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Title slide Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_plural_title': 'Acoforfs', 'seed_title': 'Acoforfs'} Generated Elements: ['Underwater Acoforfs', 'A presentation by ir Winfred Rusk, Nuclear Acoforfs Studies PhD']

Favourite thing in the world Personal background Seed: ACOforFS Generator: About Me: Location-Job-WeirdHobby Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS'} Generated Elements: ('Personal background', 'Luxembourg', '/downloads/google_images/Luxembourg/luxembourg-wall-city-grey.jpg', 'Hand Packer', '/downloads/google_images/Hand Packer/csm_pp_fp_hand_packer_1280x580px_85e6ac2da3.png', 'Favourite thing in the world', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/shitpostbot/spongebob-gives-the-succ-57f3f7ab6dabd.jpeg', True) Luxembourg Hand Packer Favourite thing in the world

Quick Historical Note Initially Afterwards Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Two History Pictures Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS'} Generated Elements: ('Quick Historical Note', 'Initially', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/TheWayWeWere+100yearsago+ColorizedHistory/8dxjafb5zvo21.jpg', 'Afterwards', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/TheWayWeWere+100yearsago+ColorizedHistory/a2giifbwhhi21.png', True) Initially Afterwards

Discussion My Acoforf Plan Their Acoforf Plan Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Two Captions Weird Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_singular_title': 'Acoforf'} Generated Elements: ('Discussion', 'My Acoforf Plan', '/app/talkgenerator/sources/../downloads/giphy/None/26xBseF3Wk0DDGJgI.gif', 'Their Acoforf Plan', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/7pj8z0zti4r21.jpg', True) My Acoforf Plan Their Acoforf Plan

Do you know how to read palms 15,998,952 views updated 2 weeks ago ? Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Yes/No/Funny Chart Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_wikihow_action_lower': 'read palms\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t15,998,952 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 2 weeks ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'chart_title': 'Do you know how to read palms\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t15,998,952 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 2 weeks ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n?', 'chart_title_get_last_noun_and_article_2_to_1_pronouns_title': 'Weeks'} Generated Elements: ('Do you know how to read palms\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t15,998,952 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 2 weeks ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n?', -4120, <pptx.chart.data.ChartData object at 0x7fa2e7e00358>, <function set_doughnut_properties at 0x7fa2e9a49950>)

Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Reddit Chart Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS'} Generated Elements: [None, '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/dataisbeautiful+funnycharts+charts/znlev5bgt8o21.png', True]

Getting Acoforfs involved Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Wide Google Images Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Acoforfs'} Generated Elements: ['Getting Acoforfs involved', '/downloads/google_images/ACOforFS/1-s2.0-s0957417417302610-gr8.jpg', True]

Would you like to know if a girl likes you. 24,656,457 views Would you like to know if a girl likes you 24,656,457 views   updated 6 days ago ? Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Yes/No/Funny Chart Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_wikihow_action_lower': 'know if a girl likes you\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t24,656,457 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 6 days ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'chart_title': 'Would you like to know if a girl likes you\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t24,656,457 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 6 days ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n?'} Generated Elements: ('Would you like to know if a girl likes you\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t24,656,457 views\t\t\t\t\t\n\xa0\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupdated 6 days ago\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n?', 51, <pptx.chart.data.ChartData object at 0x7fa2e428fcc0>, <function set_histogram_properties at 0x7fa2e9a49840>)

About Acoforfs What I initially did The actual solution Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Two Captions Weird Reddit Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS', 'seed_is_noun_plural_title': 'Acoforfs'} Generated Elements: ('About Acoforfs', 'What I initially did', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/jggzrzaxa7l21.png', 'The actual solution', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/shitpostbot/litterallysmash-5898f4a9063f6.png', True) What I initially did The actual solution

Conclusions Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3 Seed: ACOforFS Generator: Conclusion Context: {'topic': 'ACOforFS', 'presenter': 'Winfred Rusk', 'seed': 'ACOforFS'} Generated Elements: ['Conclusions', 'Conclusion 1', '/downloads/google_images/ACOforFS/1549010091?v=1.jpg', 'Conclusion 2', '/app/talkgenerator/schema/../../downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/jbkcvxjju0q21.jpg', 'Conclusion 3', '/app/talkgenerator/sources/../downloads/giphy/None/3IUZMehWdgZDqUdzpq.gif', True] Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3