All about School The notes beneath each slide can be translated and recorded as sound bytes into the language of your pupil(s). Your pupil(s) can then listen and watch the slideshow as a pre-teaching activity before they start the topic.
Children in the UK go to pre-school when they are 3 years old until their fifth birthday when they start school. At pre-school or nursery, they learn to play with other children. They do all sorts of fun activities using blocks, paints, toys, books, music and stories. They learn colours and begin to count.
Children start Primary school when they are 5 years old and they leave when they are 11. The first year is called the Reception class. The next year is called Year 1 through to year 6. Children learn English and Maths, as well as History, Geography, Art, Science, Music, Physical Education, and Computing. There are school dinners available at all schools. Children generally sit at tables and not in rows. They often work in groups as you can see in the photo. In most schools, children must wear a uniform. Each class has one main teacher who teaches all the subjects.
Pupils start Secondary school when they are 11 years old Pupils start Secondary school when they are 11 years old. They start in year 7 at the school. Lessons are more formal than at Primary school. Pupils have a different teacher for each subject and move from lesson to lesson. Pupils are given a personal timetable when they start school, showing the times of the different lessons, and the rooms they are in. Lessons are usually about 50 minutes long, but sometimes there is a double lesson for subjects like Science and Food Technology. Pupils take important exams in most subjects when they are in Year 11. These are called GCSEs. As soon as school starts pupils go to their tutor group for registration, and sometimes there is an assembly. The tutor is the person who can support you with your studies and with any difficulties you may have. You may have the same tutor all through your time at the school. Pupils learn a wide range of subjects for example Maths, English, Geography, History, Modern Languages, and Science. Some subjects are often practical and hands-on such as Art, Food Technology, Design and Technology, PE and Science.
When a student is 16 they enter the Sixth Form, or Years 12 and 13 When a student is 16 they enter the Sixth Form, or Years 12 and 13. This can be at the same school or they may move to a Tertiary or Sixth Form college. They can study alongside apprenticeships, or they can take BTEC examinations or A level examinations if they want to go on to university. Sometimes they can also take Foundation courses in Maths and English to help them get the qualifications they need for further study. These courses last for 2 years.