PepperHub, an Informatics Hub for the Chili Pepper Research Community Feng Liu, Huiyang Yu, Yingtian Deng, Jingyuan Zheng, Minglei Liu, Lijun Ou, Bozhi Yang, Xiongze Dai, Yanqing Ma, Shengyu Feng, Shuang He, Xuefeng Li, Zhuqing Zhang, Wenchao Chen, Shudong Zhou, Rong Chen, Minmin Liu, Sha Yang, Ruimin Wei, Huadong Li, Feng Li, Bo Ouyang, Xuexiao Zou Molecular Plant Volume 10, Issue 8, Pages 1129-1132 (August 2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2017.03.005 Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 PepperHub, a Pepper Informatics Hub. (A) The homepage of PepperHub. Top section shows the logo, title, and visitor map. The left side of the main body shows the functional modules of the PepperHub website; Metabolome is under construction. (B) The homepage of the Variome module of PepperHub. The red navigation bar provides links for SNP searching (SNP) and INDEL searching (INDEL) and the SNP/INDEL browsing function (Gbrowse) and back-to-PepperHub homepage (Home). (C) The homepage of the pepper proteome database. The red navigation bar provides links for the protein-protein interaction network (PPINetwork) and back-to-PepperHub (Home). (D) Expression profiles of MYB gene family members during pericarp development. Heatmap of MYB transcription factor genes expressed at high level, or differentially expressed in pericarp generated by the ProfileHeatmap function in the Transcriptome module of PepperHub. (E) Expression pattern of Capana12g002172 during pepper development visualized by the ProfileCartoon function in the Transcriptome module of PepperHub. (F) Expression trend of MYB Capana12g002172 (red) and three co-expressed capsanthin biosynthesis genes, Capana04g002519 (green), Capana03g002170 (purple), and Capana06g000615 (blue), visualized by the ProfileChart function in Transcriptome module of PepperHub. (G) Expression trend of MYB Capana03g000766 (blue) and its co-expressed capsanthin biosynthesis gene, Capana05g000154 (red), visualized by ProfileChart. Molecular Plant 2017 10, 1129-1132DOI: (10.1016/j.molp.2017.03.005) Copyright © 2017 The Author Terms and Conditions