Caryn Fuiten, Traci Hayward, & Amanda Roberts Teacher Burnout Caryn Fuiten, Traci Hayward, & Amanda Roberts
Stress and Burnout Definitions Acute Stress- Most common; Body’s reaction to past and/or events (positive/negative) Episodic Acute Stress- Suffering from Acute Stress frequently; lives are in chaos and crisis often Chronic Stress-Affects bodies, minds, and lives; ongoing (American Psychological Association, Positive Stress vs. Negative Stress Positive- Exciting and thrilling in small doses Negative- Unable to perform or cope with a situation Burnout State of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion Unable to meet constant demands
Signs and Symptoms of Stress/Burnout Fatigue Sleep Issues Forgetfulness Problems Concentrating Depression Anxiety
Research on Stress 2017 Educator Quality of Work Life Survey (American Federation of Teachers, -5,000 teachers and school staff across the country -58% of respondents described their mental health as “not good” for at least 7/30 days. Just 2 years ago, that number was 34%. -61% of the teachers said their work was always or often stressful. (less enthusiasm, poor health, being bullied at work, & sleep-deprived). Secondary Traumatic Stress (NCTSN, -Can occur when an individual hears firsthand about the trauma experiences of another person.
Reducing Classroom Stress Classroom Management *Routines Reward System (Schoolwide/Classroom) *Talk time *Extra recess Mindfulness (GoNoodle) * Restorative Justice ` *Trauma Informed *Communication/Circles *Re-entry Progressive Muscle Relaxation * Brain Breaks *GoNoodle *Cosmic Kids Yoga *Kids Bop Calm Music/Videos *Calm Aquarium *Morning Relaxing Music What other resources do you use?
Managing Stress in Healthy Ways at Work Setting clear work boundaries Close the door during your prep time Say ”No,” say instead “I want to but cannot commit fully.” “Mental Health Day” Confiding in Someone/Work Spouse Fun Friday
Self-Care Emotional Self-Care- Writing in a journal, creating art, playing music Practical Self-Care- Creating a budget, organizing closet Physical Self-Care- Taking walks, sleeping, staying hydrated, exercise Mental Self-Care- Reading a book, solving puzzles, going to a museum Social Self-Care- Brunch with friends, going on a date, family time Spiritual Self Care- Meditation, yoga (Planned Parenthood, -Schedule “Me” time and guard it -Make a list of things you enjoy
Self/School Reward System Bingo Fill the Cup (self/classroom/faculty) Rewarding yourself when doing things on your list Schoolwide Rewards after testing
Takeaway Points Think before leaving the profession Switch positions Find your why Look at taking days off/leave of absence Switch positions Switch schools Don’t be afraid to ask for help You are not alone!
Contact Information Caryn Fuiten (RR): Traci Hayward (PE): Amanda Roberts (K):