IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION Why are effective communication skills important??
VERBAL Spoken or written words COMMUNCIATION—process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic interaction VERBAL Spoken or written words NONVERBAL Gestures Eye contact Tone of voice Facial expression Posture Clothing Stance
CONTEXT -the situation in which communication occurs Context -- provides a framework for communication --the basis for making appropriate communication choices Appropriateness --what is suitable for a specific situation
CONTEXT DETERMINES ROLES AND NORMS -a part played in a specific setting or situation Example: Role at school=student Role at home=daughter/ son, brother/sister, niece/nephew You wouldn’t raise your hand to speak at home…would you?? -a guideline of what’s appropriate for a given context -a stated (written) or implied expectation Example: Dress Code Stated—appropriate length for shorts Implied—no swimsuits