Computer Storage
COMPUTER STORAGE Computer Storage are Secondary Memory that are external memory of the computer. It is also known as Auxiliary memory and permanent memory. It is used to store the different programs and the information permanently. They are non volatile. It means data is stored permanently even if power is switched off. Data and programs are transferred from the secondary storage to the primary before they are processed and after they are processed the result are also transferred back into the primary storage.
Magnetic Disks Magnetic disks are made of rigid metals or synthetic plastic material. The disk platter is coated on both the surfaces with magnetic material and both the surfaces can be used for storage. The magnetic disk furnishes direct access and is for both small and large computer systems. The magnetic disk comes in two forms: Floppy disks (zip disks) Hard disks
Hard Disk Drive (HDD) The hard disk drive (HDD) is the main, and usually largest, data storage hardware device in a computer. The operating system, software titles, and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive.
Floppy Disk (FDD) A floppy disk is a magnetic storage medium for computer systems. The floppy disk is composed of a thin, flexible magnetic disk sealed in a square plastic carrier. In order to read and write data from a floppy disk, a computer system must have a floppy disk drive (FDD). A floppy disk is also referred to simply as a floppy.
Zip Disk The Zip disk was an advanced version of the floppy disk developed by Iomega. The disk needed a special drive called the Zip drive in order to be used. Zip disks were available in 100- and 250-MB capacities and were used to store, share and back up large amounts of data, which was not possible with ordinary floppy disks.
Magnetic Tape Magnetic tape is serial access storage medium and it can store a large volume of data at low costs. The conventional magnetic tape is in reels of up to 3600 feet made of Mylar plastic tape.
Optical Drives Optical drives are a storage medium from which data is read and to which it is written by lasers. Optical disks can store much more data up to 6GB. Optical store devices are the most widely used and reliable storage devices. Examples are CDs and DVDs CD, short for Compact Disc, is an optical medium that can store digital data. It is designed to replace the old cassette tapes. Usually, a standard CD can store about 700MB of data. That means you can store CD quality audio that can last for about 80 minutes or video lasting about 60 minutes.
DVD DVD, short for Digital Versatile Disc, is also an optical medium to store digital data. A standard DVD can hold 4.7 GB of data. So DVD is widely used to store large files like video and movies. The capacity is the biggest difference between CD and DVD
PC Card A PC Card (previously known as a PCMCIA card) is a credit card-size memory or I/O device that fits into a personal computer, usually a notebook or laptop computer.
Mobile storage media mobile storage media are also known as portable storage devices include flash drives, USB drives (thumb drives), external hard drives (sometimes called mini hard drives), and portable CD/DVD-ROM drives.
Mass storage devices(Enterprise storage ) Mass storage devices: Mass storage devices refer to the saving of huge data in a persistent manner. Mass storage machines can store up to several trillion bytes of data and hence are used to store or save large databases, such as the information of customers of a big retail chain and library the Enterprise storage.
Enterprise Storage Enterprise storage is a centralized repository for business information that provides common data management and protection, as well as data sharing functions, through connections to numerous (and possibly dissimilar) computer systems.
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