Science Cooperative NGSS Transition
Science Co-op NGSS-Aligned K-5 Curriculum Program Link to Building Blocks of Science Units for Kindergarten. Living Things & Their Needs Push, Pull, Go! Weather & Sky On December 20, 2018, the Science Cooperative Executive Committee formally adopted a new K-5 Science Curriculum Program consisting of instructional materials designed by the Smithsonian Institution and published by Carolina Biological. This Science Curriculum Program is aligned to all of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for K-5. The new curriculum will be phased in over several years. Existing STC “Legacy” kits will be gradually repurposed to support the refurbishment and construction of the new NGGS-aligned kits. Link to Smithsonian Curriculum for Grades 1-5
NGSS Phase 1 – New kits for K-5 – Engineering Design Focus The Kinder unit Push, Pull Go! was actually implemented in 2017-18 with existing Science Co-op Funds. The “Engineering Design” Strand of the new Curriculum Program aligns with the ”Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science” (ETS) Core Idea strand of the NGSS. Note: The 4th grade Engineering Design unit “How Can We Provide Energy to Peoples Homes” significantly overlapped the content of the STC Legacy kit “Electric Circuits”. To avoid redundancy, “Electric Circuits” was removed from the Curriculum Program for Co-op members adopting NGSS Phase 1. The STC Legacy kit “Land & Water” replaced “Electric Circuits” for 2018-19.
NGSS Phase 2 – New kits for Kinder, Grades 3-4-5 – Earth and Space Science and Physical Science (4th only) The “Engineering Design” Strand of the new Curriculum Program aligns with the ”Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science” (ETS) Core Idea strand of the NGSS. Note: The STC Legacy kit “Land & Water” replaced the Physical Science kit “Electric Circuits” in 2018-19. For 2019-20, “Land & Water” will be replaced by the NGSS-aligned Physical Science unit “How Does Motion Energy Change in a Collision”. This choice does mean implementing two new kits for 4th Grade, but addresses more of the NGSS Standards and eliminates the redundancy of two Earth & Space Science kits.
Science Cooperative NGSS Transition