The Theory of Plate Tectonics Page 97
Theory of Plate Tectonics Lithosphere is broken up into tectonic plates. Plates move around on top of the asthenosphere.
Theory of Plate Tectonics Plates are made of oceanic and continental lithosphere. In our model of Pangaea, South America and Africa fit together… Where did the lithosphere come from between South America and Africa?
What makes the plates move?? Theory of Plate Tectonics Used evidence from “Continental Drift” and Sea Floor Spreading.” Tuzo Wilson What makes the plates move??
Convection Currents Arthur Holmes (1930’s) heat transfer inside the earth causes mantle material to move.
How do Convection Currents work? Heat rises, cool sinks. As mantle material heats up, it rises to the surface. Near the surface, it “cools,” sinking back down, creating a circular movement.