H.I. Reuter – DG EUROSTAT - E4 - GISCO


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Presentation transcript:

H.I. Reuter – DG EUROSTAT - E4 - GISCO 2015 Call for proposals for merging statistics and geospatial information H.I. Reuter – DG EUROSTAT - E4 - GISCO

Background Legal basis: Regulation (EU) No 99/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2013 on the European statistical programme 2013-17 The ESS 2020 vision states that " there is a growing need to develop statistics with increasing geographical detail to support national and regional policy making" (e.g. development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU policies).

Aims: Improving the integration of geospatial and statistical information processes required for a (semi) automated regular update stable and unique national identifier systems linking geo- and statistical information provides additional value creates new information (open data initiative, Big Data streams) web applications to show the spatial distribution of statistics. Improving the integration of geospatial and statistical information during the statistical production process including the survey design; Establishing internal and external processes required for a continuous (semi) automated regular update of geospatial data sources for statistics; Conducting projects with the aim to introduce stable and unique national identifier systems for geospatial reference data; Illustrating how linking geo- and statistical information and corresponding metadata provides additional value and creates new information in particular towards the open data initiative and the usage of Big Data streams; Designing innovative web applications to show the spatial distribution of statistics.

Structure of the call for proposals Total available ESTAT funding 450 000€ Co-financing 70% Mono-beneficiary Duration up to 24 months, shorter time periods preferred. 14-15 March 2013 GISCO working group meeting 2013

Simplified Process of Grant execution

Proposal Evaluation Criteria Maximum Mark Understanding of the action and quality of the proposed approach 10 points Presentation of expected results, expected impact and sustainability of the action 45 points Time schedule of the action (work plan); management arrangements 15 points Coherence, relevance and proportionality of the estimated budget in relation with the proposed action 20 points Relevance of the individual proposal within the framework of the whole action Maximum total score 100 points

Evaluation Criteria Complexity of linking or integrating geography and statistics Innovativeness of the approach The sustainability of the georeference process Quality of the information derived Extent to which software solutions can be used by others Free and open access to all the data Quality and comprehensibility of the provided reports and studies, and the documentation to allow for uptake by others

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