Chapter VIII-X Vocabulary
Beatifically [bee-uh-tif-ik] Adj. In a manner suggesting bliss Synonym: angelic
Demeanor [dih-mee-ner] Outward manner Synonym: attitude
Deputation N. A group appointed to represent others Synonym: committee
Devotees [dev-uh-tee] N Ardent (enthusiastic) followers Synonym: supporter, believer, groupie
Inebriates [in-ee-bre-it] Those who are habitually drunk
Interment [in-tur-mint] The act of burial Synonym: burial
Machinations [mak-uh-ney-shun] Scheming actions Synonym: a plot of scheme
Taciturn [tas-i-turn] Adj. Not inclined to talking Synonyms: untalkative, uncommunicative, silent