Portfolios as assessment Tricky, but possible……..
Telling a story……. For whom? About what? Using what? Delivering how?
AUDIENCE Who will see this portfolio? What will it show?
What is the purpose? What is the story about?
What assembled objects will illustrate the story? Artifacts Tests Papers Products Performances Reflections
What will the narration be? Reflections Goal setting Annotations What I have learned is shown…. This is evidence of….
Project Process and product Logs, drafts, critiques Self Reflection
Growth / Developmental Showing progress of learning Self-knowledge Dated documents Reflection
Achievement Where am I? Current examples
Competence / Showcase Mastery Samples demonstrating mastery Current levels Annotations and self reflections
Celebration Personal Best things
Working folders Simple collections….. Organize later…. Annotate later….. Make sense later…..
Cool things about portfolios Incredibly individualized Focus on products Strength-based Active involvement of students in evaluation Great communication tools Provide platform for meta-cognition
Problems….. Time intensive Generalizability
Evaluation Evaluate only on purpose established Do not evaluate the work itself Use checklists
References Used: Chatterji, Madhabi. (2003). Designing and using tools for educational assessment. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Gronlund, N.E. (2003). Assessment of student achievement 7th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Oosterhoff, A. (2003). Developing and using classroom assessments 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Merrill Prentice Hall. . Stiggins, R.J., Arter, J.A., Chappuis, J.& Chappuis, S. (2004). Classroom assessment for student learning. Portland, OR; Assessment Training Institute. Wiggens, G. & McTighe. (2001). Understanding by design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall