Eurostat regional yearbook 2010


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Presentation transcript:

Eurostat regional yearbook 2010 Åsa Önnerfors Eurostat Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Outline of my presentation: Eurostat regional yearbook 2000 - 2010 Historically speaking News in the 2010 edition Some examples from 3 chapters Other Eurostat publications with regional content Statistics Explained Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Eurostat regional yearbook 2000-2010 The 2010 edition is being printed now! Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Historically speaking The first edition of the Eurostat regional yearbook was published in 1971 It was published in 5 languages in parallel; German, French, Italian, Dutch and English It contained regional tables on the most important statistical topics + some statistical maps and graphs In the year 2000, the first extended version was published, containing also longer texts commenting on the statistical content, it contained 8 chapters Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Contains 15 chapters this year – an all time high! The 2010 edition is being printed now and will be published within a couple of weeks Contains 15 chapters this year – an all time high! All texts written by statistical experts at Eurostat Covers data from EU-27, as well as the candidate and EFTA countries Is published in German, English and French Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Table of contents, 2010: Population European cities Labour market Gross domestic product Household accounts Structural business statistics Information society Science, technology and innovation Education Transport Tourism Health Agriculture Coastal regions A revised urban-rural typology Transport and Health – two topics reappearing again. Coastal regions and A revised urban-rural typology – new this year. Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Some news in the 2010 edition Two new topics this year; Coastal regions and A revised urban-rural typology The labour market chapter is divided into two parts; one on the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and one on the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) Source codes has been added under each map, table or graph, they link to the most recent data on the Eurostat website A new annex at the end of the publication, listing all cities participating in the Urban Audit data collection The chapter on “Coastal regions” is defined as all NUTS 3 regions with a population living within 50 km from the coastline. The Structure of Earnings Survey is based on micro data aggregated up to NUTS 1 region The country abbreviations have also been abandoned in all tables and footnotes, the whole country name is spelled out – more user friendly! Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Three examples from the 2010 edition: Chapter 1: Population Chapter 13: Agriculture Chapter 14: Coastal regions Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Chapter 1: Population The graph shows “Life expectancy at birth” by male (blue) and female (green). The Life expectancy is higher for women than for men in all countries, but the regional patterns are very different. Difficult to display regional data graphically in a user-friendly way, but his is one way of doing it! Interesting differences: Large shares of people commuting to work by bicycle in: especially in Copenhagen and Amsterdam, but also in Dublin, Helsinki, Stockholm and Bern. Very large shares of people commuting to work by public transport, in especially Bratislava, but also in Tallinn. Large share of commuters by car in Madrid. Source code link Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Chapter 13: Agriculture “Contribution of agriculture to gross value added, by NUTS 2 regions, 2007 (%)” The chapter focuses on economic aspects of agriculture, based on Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA). This map shows the relative economical importance of the agricultural sector in different regions In some maps the regional differences are big within the countries, but sometimes, like in this map, the country effect is more dominating - probably due to national legislation. Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Chapter 14: Coastal regions The chapter investigates what is special for the NUTS 3 regions along the coastline in a number of different statistical topics. This map shows “Share of population aged 65 years and more in coastal regions” The value for the costal region is compared with the national average The map compares the value of the coastal region with the country value; dark green is above and light green below the country average Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Some other Eurostat publications: Europe in figures – Eurostat yearbook 2010 newly published and it contains a chapter called ”Europe’s regions” Statistics in Focus (SIF): SIF’s with regional content are regularly published – keep an eye on the Eurostat website! “ Eurostat in figures – Eurostat yearbook 2010” will be published this week. Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Statistics Explained – a Wiki application for statistics Quick link to the Regional yearbook Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Statistics Explained Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Did you know? All chapters from the Eurostat regional yearbook are included as articles in Statistics Explained The added value is better linking between subjects and higher ranking in search services like Google It’s also easier to make updates and corrections in the online version compared to the printed version In the future the paper publications will be based on Statistics Explained instead of the other way around – in this way the articles will be published much earlier, but we will need to change some of our routines! Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010

Thank you for listening. Any questions or comments? Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on Working group, Regional and Urban Statistics, 27-28 September 2010