Chapter 6 Listening
Importance of Listening Good listening paramount to some positions Importance of listening skills for a speaker Hearing vs. listening
Hearing vs. Listening Reasons you may hear but not listen: Focused attention? Distractions Inaccurately processing messages Not thinking critically
The Values of Listening Well Helps your career Saves you time and money Creates opportunity Strengthens relationships Helps us to accomplish our goals
Listening and Critical Listening Different forms of listening Appreciative Empathic Informational Critical Focus in this class is on informational and critical
Listening Challenges Environmental Factors Hearing challenges Multitasking Boredom and overexcitement
Attitudes About Listening Privileging talking Overconfidence Lack of concentration Jumping to conclusions Listening Apprehension
Ethics of Listening Defensive Listening Selective Listening Insensitive Listening Self-Absorbed Listening Monopolistic Listening Pseudolistening