The suns layers Solar envelope: outside of the core is the radiative envelopes its temperature is 4 million kelvins or 7 million degrees f. the solar envelope puts pressure on the core and maintains the cores temperature. Photosphere: it is a thin layer of gasses around the solar envelope, only a few hundred kilometres thick with a temperature of 6000 k. Chromosphere: when an eclipse happens a red circle around the sun can be seen, the temperature is at 7000 k hotter than the photosphere. Sunspots: they are the dark spots on the photosphere it can have a temperature of 4500 lb. Corona: its outermost layer of the sun only seen during an eclipse. The corona is hotter than some of the inner layers 2 million degrees f, and can sometimes reach 5 million degrees f. Solar flares: solar flares are sparks of energy that can reach the size of earth, it has been recorded at 11 million k, 20 million degrees f.
the suns has large amounts of gravity, this has a large mass and the bigger the mars the more gravity it has. Its gravity is 28 times stronger and bigger. If you weigh 100 kilograms here on earth, you would weigh 2,800 kilograms on the sun.
The suns core is the source of the suns energy The suns core is the source of the suns energy. Its core has a very high temperature. The temperature is more than 15 million degrees. Material of the core is tightly packed this creates nuclear reactions to happen. High temperature has protons and elections that continuously slam into one another causing nuclear reactions.
At the end of the suns life it will run out of nuclear fuel at its centre, all the hydrogen will be gone at the core of the sun. once all the hydrogen disappears the temperature and pressure will have fused into helium. If the sun wants to burn more it will need more temperature and pressure, however it has none of that. The core will then contract an the core starts to get smaller, it will cause the sun to swell up and it will become a red giant planet. All the planets near the sun will be swallowed up. The earth will fall into the sun or drift into space.