Migration What is migration?
Define Migration Write down what you think migration is in the space provided.
Define Migration Migration is the movement of people between countries to live. Emigrate is moving away from a country. “E” as in exit. Immigrate is moving to another country. “I” as in into.
Class Migration Who has or whose parents have migrated to Australia from another country? Where from?
Mark it on your map.
Fill in your bar graph of the Class Migration Fill in your bar graph of the class migration.
Why do people migrate? Think about your parents or people you know who have come from another country, why did they come?
Some Examples Fear of safety in their home country Better opportunities To be closer to family who have already migrated Marriage For work or study For a change in lifestyle
Summary Migration is people moving from one country to another. They may choose to do this for a variety of positive reasons or forced to by fear or their circumstances.