COMS W1004 Introduction to Computer Science June 8, 2009
Last Week Object-oriented programming Java datatypes Classes and objects Attributes and methods Java datatypes Programming environments
Today Comparison operators and Boolean logic Conditionals Loops Random numbers Strings Homework #3 Research project Reading: Big Java 5.1-5.4 and 6.1-6.5
Research Project Papers are due at 5:30pm on Weds Jun 24 Presentations begin Weds Jun 17 Whether you are doing a paper or a presentation, you should cover: a brief description of the problem you are addressing your motivation for selecting this problem your ideas for solving the problem previous work in the field that addresses a similar problem and/or uses a similar solution your estimation of what’s currently feasible and what isn’t
Homework #3 Due next Monday, June 15 at beginning of class Theory Paper submission only Programming Electronic submission and paper submission