Report Subscription
Report Subscription Customers can request specific reports from the LINK® system to be generated at specific times based on different criteria to meet their unique needs through functionality called Report Subscription. This functionality is available under Customer Activities/Reports with options to subscribe to new reports, modify existing subscription parameters and track a history of the report. For each report available in Report Subscription, a submittal screen is present that allows a customer to name the report, select various filtering criteria, specify the output format and determine the report generation schedule. Subscribed reports can later be modified for different generation schedules and filtering criteria. Reports will be retained for 3 days in the Report Tracking screen which gives the customer a report history. Customers can subscribe to a report for multiple business units through one business unit.
Report Subscription Report Subscription is located under Reports from the Customer Activities menu. Functionality is present under Available Reports, Subscribed Reports, and Report Tracking. To access functionality that will allow a report to be subscribed to, select “Available Reports”. The “Add Report” screen allows a user to select from a list of existing reports and filter the list by Business Unit, Functional Area and Report Name. Filters Available Reports
Report Subscription To retrieve the run parameters and a detailed description of a report, put cursor on a report and click on the “Detail” button.
Report Subscription To subscribe to a report, put cursor on report and click the “Subscribe” button.
Report Subscription After pressing the “Subscribe” button, the Report Subscription page will be displayed. From this screen the user can: 1) Name the report. By entering a Report Name it allows the user to subscribe to this report more than once. 1
Report Subscription Enter appropriate filtering criteria. Customer can use the lookup and select multiple Service Requester Abbreviations or Customers can enter multiple Service Requester Abbreviations by entering a pound (#) sign in between each Service Requester Abbreviations. Multiple Service Requester contracts, Rate Schedules and/or Location Props can be entered by using a comma (,) sign in between each contract, rate schedule or location prop. Select add or press the enter key to add filtering criteria. 2
Report Subscription 3) Select the output format. 3
Report Subscription 4) Select an email address. User is able to select one of three email addresses. Email addresses are populated from the Email Notification Screen under Favorites. On the Email Notification screen, user can enter email addresses in the Work, Home and Pager email space. 4
Report Subscription 5) Indicate report generation schedule. Note : hour of time is based on military time. User can add up to five time selections per subscription. In addition to receiving reports on a specific day and time, a variety of reports may have a special schedule that can be selected. However, because the normal and special schedule cannot be combined for one subscription, a separate subscription for the special schedule would be needed. By clicking Final Monthly, user will be subscribing to receive a report at 2:10 p.m. on the 1st day of the month for the previous month. By clicking Measurement Close, user will be subscribing to receive a report at 2:10 p.m. on the day Accounts Receivable closes. 5
Report Subscription After user fills out the criteria on Report Subscription page then user would need to click on the “Subscribe” button to subscribe to the report. Once the “Subscribe” button is clicked, the subscription would automatically go to the “View Subscribed Report” screen. User would need to click on the Available Reports screen to create another subscription.
Report Subscription From the “View Subscribe Reports” screen, user will be able to edit or unsubscribe to a subscription. To edit a subscribed report, put cursor on the report needing to be edited and press the “Edit button”.
Report Subscription The user can then edit report subscription parameters for the specific subscription. When edits are complete, the “Subscribe” button should be pressed to submit the changes. In this example, additional days and a time were added for the report to be generated.
Report Subscription The user can temporarily stop reports from automatically being generated by selecting the box associated with the report and pressing the “Suspend button. The “Activate” button can then be used to reinitiate the report generation. To remove a subscription, put cursor on report and click on the “Unsubscribe” button. Note: the “Select” box is only to be used with Suspend and Activate buttons.
Report Subscription To review a three day history of generated reports, select “Report Tracking” from the Reports menu. Put cursor on the report you want to view, go to Related Screens and click on “View”. It will retrieve an on-line report that was previously sent to the user.