Cross-species analysis of maternal gene transcripts. Cross-species analysis of maternal gene transcripts. (A) Schematic of mouse maternal effect genes according to Kim and Lee (2014). Symbols indicate transcripts present in the relevant species (FPKM>10). (B) Mouse-specific maternal genes in FPKM. (C) Intersection of maternal transcripts in human, marmoset and mouse zygotes (FPKM>10). (D) Maternal human transcripts (FPKM>10), conserved in marmoset (orange) and mouse (blue). (E) Primate-specific maternal genes in FPKM. (F) GO and pathway significance (−log10P-value) ranked according to the top 10 processes statistically enriched in human. (G) Ribosomal transcripts in FPKM. (H) One-way hierarchical clustering of chromatin remodellers in at least one species (FPKM>20). (I) DNA methyltransferases in FPKM. (J) Combined Z-score of PRC1 and PRC2 components over developmental time. Thorsten Boroviak et al. Development 2018;145:dev167833 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd