World war 1
The trenches The trenches are what apparently would keep the soldiers safe under enemy fire. They were very nasty places to be in!!!
Night pretrol Can you imagine in the dead of night going out of safety of your trench into the open where you are most likely to be shot by the enemy fire. Scary isn't it?
letters Can you imagine writing a letter home but it first being checked by the general Sargent? This was because he usely didn’t want anything bad being said about the war but if he approved he would let you send it.
The food You don’t think that the war could get any more worse than it all ready is: well your wrong!!! The food was always the same stew. Can you imagine stew all the time. “Oh what's dinner Stewart “ I'm not to sure I think its stew”
Punishments You have to do everything right in the war because or you would have to do the horrible punishment such as painting coal white and then black again or going to the cook house and peeling 5,000,000 potatoes!!!
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