Electricity (An Introduction)
Electricity Electricity is very important in our lives. We would find it very hard to do without it. There are so many things in our homes that are powered by electricity that we have begun to depend on them. Imagine you woke up this morning and had no electricity. What difference would it make to your normal morning routine?
Life without Electricity---!!! How would you prepare your lunch? How would you wash clothes? When would you go to bed? Think about all the luxuries the discovery of Electricity has brought us! No Television No Radio No Lights No Electricity Electricity is beneficial to us all the time. This slide helps put a realistic perspective on how much electricity plays a role in our everyday life. Asking a few simple questions helps the students think about how their lives would be affected without electricity.
What is Electricity? Electricity is generated from the motion of tiny charged atomic particles called electrons and protons! Protons = + Electrons = - Electricity This slide introduces electricity at the smallest scale possible. The idea that things are charged should be emphasized over and over. It is good to mention static electricity. That is, shocking someone with electricity is simply the movement of these positive and negative charges. As a presenter of this material, I find it good to have the students repeat the words proton and electron, telling me whether it is positively charged or negatively charged. By doing it this way, I can say positive and negative charge throughout the rest of the presentation. It is not intended for the students to understand the principle parts of matter nor understand concepts related to the nucleus and creation of charge.
Remember “Atoms”…?! Have neutrons, protons, and electrons. Protons are positively charged. Electrons are negatively charged.
protons Protons are positively charged particles located inside the nucleus of an atom.
electrons Electrons are negatively charged particles circulating outside of the nucleus.
Electrons… In an atom electrons move around outside the nucleus.(Are located on the outer edges of atoms…they can be moved.) In some elements, electrons can also move from 1 atom to another. A concentration of electrons in an atom creates a net negative charge. If electrons are stripped away, the atom becomes positively charged. Electrons movement produces electricity.
ELECTRICITY e- movement The movement of electrons from one place to another or it is a form of energy produced by moving electrons. e- movement negatively charged area positively charged area
ELECTRICAL FORCES e- and p+ - attract one another A force that one charge exerts on another e- and p+ - attract one another - Opposite charges attract (+ and - charges) e- and e- or p+ and p+ - repel one another - Like charges repel (- and - charges)
Electricity can be changed to other types of Energy Heat energy Light energy Sound energy Movement energy Can you think up some examples for each type of energy?
Heat Energy
Light Energy
Sound Energy
Movement Energy (electric motors)
Battery Power Many small electrical appliances use batteries. Batteries are also a source of electrical energy Battery powered appliances also convert electrical energy into heat, light, sound and movement energy Can you think of some battery powered appliances for each source of energy?